Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wal-Mart at Midnight

I want/need time to myself. Fairly often. I obviously enjoy spending time with lots of different people but sometimes I get giddy just thinking about doing a load of laundry & later folding clothes on the couch while I watch a Disney movie. Goodness I feel excited about the prospect of doing that tomorrow!! Tonight I offered to do double-duty grocery shopping and it was so relaxing for the first hour. After that, somewhat chaotic. I was all over the store, backtracking like crazy to compare prices, trying to evaluate how much I could actually carry, up and down each aisle multiple times, asking friendly Mexican workers where to find items, and navigating around the precarious cardboard box piles as the entire store was being re-stocked.

Patrons of Wal-Mart at midnight can look like these people but nothing too crazy tonight. I managed to accidentally time everything perfectly & have the sweetest bus driver in the world! He carried one tote bag onto the bus for me after telling me not to rush (I raced my cart to the bus after paying, almost took out a family of 4) and then he and I chatted about how people should wear reflector vests at night for safety reasons. Safe-D begins with me! New trend challenge: make reflector vests cute. Random thought: when my arms were draped across all of my tote bags securing them to the bus seat, it made me think of when kids fall asleep on you and you have them under your arms & I felt very protective.
It's kind of ridiculous how lucky I am. Like seriously. There have definitely been moments recently when I feel like I'm frustrated with certain people but I can't change them so I just need to accept this, move on, and keep working at everything. By the way, have you ever experienced that overwhelming euphoria as you contemplate several good things or memories in your life and you are aware that on the outside you look very serious or calm? It's the strangest sensation but so many people know what I'm talking about when I describe it. Cheesy I know, but here's a visual:
I'll never forget from where all of my blessings come and I'm so desperately and overwhelmingly grateful for my religion to provide so much security and happiness.
Recap of today: Hollywood Studios in the morning with Wags (his first time in this park) and then stayed there but met up with Daniel, Paul, and Megan after Wags had to go to work. Rockin' Rollercoaster, Beauty and the Beast show, Movie Experience, Star Tours, Tower of Terror (after swearing up and down that I wouldn't get on again), Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular, and the American Idol Experience!!
Dear You, I love your honesty, thoughts, and emails. :) :) :) I'll reply as soon as possible.
By the way, big decision made recently and it's bittersweet. But mostly, I am thrilled with where I am headed. :) Tell you soon. <3 Спокойной ночи, Court
P.S. I love you Halers.

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