Saturday, June 25, 2011

Half-Way Christmas, June 25th.

What a day. I worked from 10:15-7:15 in the kitchen at the Terrace: costume is basically pyjamas, worked with some of my favorite people, pretty calm day for guest attendance, witnessed another incredible thunderstorm. <3 Scary: my roommate Dell had to go to the Emergency Room but my sources say that she will most likely be coming home tonight, which is a relief and a blessing. Talked with Halers today on the phone, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Just finished watching Anastasia with Daniel, he's never seen the movie past the point when the she meets Pooka, which is basically 10 minutes into the movie. SUCH a good movie, in my mind, it's Disney. Seriously surprised myself by how much I could quote the movie, refrained a lot for Daniel's benefit.
Now accepting the fact that I won't be spending the night at the hospital and will be working my rear off at work tomorrow- two locations, 11 hour shift, booyah. Or should I say, "cha-ching!"? Btw, I am officially going to be a Middle Eastern Studies Major and I'm currently planning on applying for the
Jerusalem Center Study Abroad Program on July 11th!! <3
For the record, July 4th is going to be very significant: first & foremost celebrates the United States' independence from Britain, the day that I work with Nick again & he returns my shirt, Daniel gets his computer package, and it's also the day that my gallon of milk expires.
I MUST send that email to my classmates for my Disney class, many Asians are expecting it and I don't want to come between Asians and a good grade for a class. :) Forreals, I can make that joke because Andi understands that I have a half-Asian soul. Here are some more blog discoveries I appreciate:


  1. Hey, it'd be great if you'd wait to go to Jerusalem until next year, so I can go with you. kthanxbai.

  2. Technically it is next year, January 2012. :P But seriously, come with meeee!!
