Sunday, April 3, 2011

Plan H: Because A-G Didn't Work

Plan H: just write & type.
And just stop/putting so much stock/in all of this stuff./Live your life for those that you love.
When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed/when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost/count your many blessings, name them one by one/and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Hakuna matata.
Easy breezy Covergirl.
If I could fall into the sky...
How would my life be different if I had a Time-Turner?
Learn how to play the piano again, be able to play "Emma".
I have some amazing friends who I genuinely love, especially when we take pictures together. <3
I have been spoiled by life, it's been so good.
I hate feeling "blank" around certain people. Why is it that I am not at all myself when I really need to be?
Remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.
General Conference is the ultimate pick me-up and perfectly soothed my soul.
Be gentle with me.
I need to get my glasses fixed.
I'll be fine no matter what, I'm fine right now, so why do I feel like crying?
Plain Clothes was an exciting surprise.
I need to take out the trash. I need to fold my clothes. I need to start packing up things.
The prettiest girls are the happiest ones.
Snow is so pristine, even when it's been walked on.
I may seem strong but if I'm honest, I know that I can break.
I don't want people to wonder what I think about them, I want them to know.
Maybe I need to do something crazy, Avril Lavigne style.
Life is good, no, life is amazing.
^Just some thoughts running around in my head. There are more but I'm falling asleep <3 CAC


  1. I love you. P.S. "What the Hell" is like.. my favorite song right now.

  2. I love you too. I seriously had that song on replay in my head for over a week.
