Monday, April 18, 2011

May Have Overdosed on Lavendar Lotion

I just got a care package from ma familia today (that's one of 5 phrases I know in Spanish, that's all you're getting for today) and it was the most amazing thing ever: no food to make me snack, refreshing gum, elastic hairbands for my study look: messy bun up-do, letters from each person in my family that made me tear up & have to subsequently check my make-up, and this "Melt Away Stress" lavendar lotion by Johnson&Johnson. It "helps you unwind and feel at ease".
I realized that when I get stressed I consume or use the things around me: nailpolish? paint my nails, cereal? snack on Cheerios, notes from peeps? read So, I've been keeping bottles of water handy & this has beeen a good/bad idea: I stay hydrated but I take a lot of study breaks to make trips to the WC. (Water closet aka restroom for you uncultured people.)
So tonight I went to an activity planned out by my friend Charlie and it was pretty awesome! I went with Andi girl and we filmed the entire experience on her iPhone. I need to get me one of those, or a Droid. It was a simulated plane crash that led to a discussion of the Plan of Salvation at various stations by future missionary boys. Andi & I were selected to not go on to spirit paradise, we had to go to spirit prison. We were blindfolded & escorted by masked "demons" who were a little handsy! We can be led by vocal cues, no need to put your hand around my waist!! So anywho, the video will be posted so you can all experience it with us.
Worked 7 hours today, met an asian guy named Ben who's going to major in Conservational Biology. Working with him was way fun & I hope we run into each other again at some point in the near future.
Ok so there's a Russian guy in my life who is really awesome & we've had several deep conversations. I <3 serious conversations so much!! I love how intrigued he is by my thought process/opinions & I love how humble he is about his INCREDIBLE accomplishments. And he works out every day. I know, I'm lucky. :)
Shout out to the People In My Day Today, you know who y'all are- awesome people, it was way fun. Mkay gotta STUDY FOR FINALS woot. Just realized my Comms final is online, holler.
This lavendar lotion has a relaxing chemical that is in direct conflict with my mental hyperenergy as I study and the result is quite fascinating: outwardly drowsy but inwardly focused. <3 chemicals, Court
P.S. Home in 3.5 days, indescribably stoked.

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