Saturday, April 30, 2011

Let's Get Down to Business, Shall We?

Hokay, so.
I forreals have started to write a post for like the past ten days but it was oddly never completed & subsequently posted so I will now proceed to give you a list of highlights:
1) I flew back home for 6 days, mucho love. (slept in my bed, very little responsiblity, constant hugs from my family, opened the pantry & could eat food I didn't have to go out and buy myself, drove, hung out with Jerry, Sam, Caro, Meagan, and Janani)
2) I left home and flew to Orlando, FL. I discovered a new phenomena, love bugs.
3) I checked into the Disney College Program & received a program handbook/planner with Walt Disney quotes.
4) I contemplate on how flipping thrilled I am with my life. For a while.
5) I meet Kieran on the bus and he becomes my best buddy for the day, he is such a SWEETHEART!
6) He carried my bags for me while we walked around Downtown Disney after my Orientation.
7) We get slightly lost because we decide to walk to Port Orleans instead of taking the water taxi. Love golf giftshops :)
8) I got my room assignment which meant I was coincidentally rooming with some girls I met earlier in the day! <3
9) I ate some trail mix.
10) My roommates & I attempted Wal-Mart because we had no food, but...long story haha...
11) Roomates agreed to order pizza from Papa John's. We got transferred 2x & had a convo with Kyle-Zach. :)
12) Swimming pool with the roommates, recreated Eclipse movie trailer & discovered other Mormons.
13) Why is 13 considered unlucky? Anywho, went to sleep after a water-only shower Wal-Mart.
14) Woke up, ran to bus with Dell & Ariel (roommates) for Traditions, made it.
15) Visited the Magic Kingdom with Traditions class, learned Disney secrets. (Almost posted them just now! whoops)
16) Met and re-met a bunch of BYU Disney peeps. Mickey Mouse came!!! Mobile Upload to Fbook of course.
17) After class, finally a Wal-Mart trip. Carried roughly 10 bags at once & had to perch on my bags for the bus ride home.
18) CUTE Aussie guy & I chatted while my hair blew around crazily & had plastic bugs strung all up my arms that anchored my arms to the ground, literally. Just fabulous. (sarcasm towards my demeanor)
19) Downtown Disney with the roomies = SO MUCH FUN. Dance party, geode rocks, water taxi, pop art.
20) Get back at 1 AM, wake up at 6 AM today. Like a boss.
21) 1st Day of Training! Run from apartment building to bus stop, just barely made it. (set a personal time record)
22) Walked around the ENTIRE Magic Kingdom in stilettos because I missed a memo apparently. Lots o' pain.
23) While there I saw Flynn Rider (yes ladies, he looked HAWT), rode the Buzz Lightyear ride, went through the Haunted Mansion after much persuasion (thank you Jen), realized that I will be working in THREE separate locations :), got my h0# futuristic costume with a zillion buttons, and smiled myself silly.
24) Met George, the most awesome Disney teacher ever. Ate lunch in a cafeteria with Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, & her actual real-life boyfriend, the Prince. :)
25) Wal-Mart run with a total of 7 people, rode in a 5-person car, bought some shoes & Ibuprofen for poor Ariel, the car started smoking while backed-up in traffic, cute busboy from CiCi's helped us, we walked miles back.

Yup, I know I look good. No need to overwhelm me with fanmail.
I'm having a really good time here, the roommates are fabulous, I have Special K granola bars, incredibly stoked about working in my 3 different roles, and SO proud to be affiliated with this amazing company. Seriously lovin' the emphasis on values & ethics. Mkay I've gotten an average of 4.5 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 nights (totally worth all the fun) but I'm going to get some beauty sleep now, have a magical night! :) *cheeseball smile xoxox Coco

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