Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's the Final Countdown: 32 Hours Until I'm On An Airplane

Today I was unexpectedly called in to work for 3 hours! Not too long, but long enough to completely derail my careful schedule! I took my American Heritage test today, let's not talk about that. I know I'm brilliant & fabulous but that grade was UGLY. I went and chilled with Andi right afterwards, fun stuff: Creamery for ice cream & of course some photobooth which is always fun. Especially when I almost fall off the chair trying to get out of the photobooth frame.
So, I love packing. I'm just going to keep telling myself that until this chaos is over. When did I accumulate so much stuff?!?!? It's been fun trying to figure out which clothes I need vs. want vs. think I'll need vs. should wear more often. My only consolation is that packing gives me a chance to jam with Tyler Ward via the medium of Youtube. We have some good dance parties fo sho. Alright, two of my hardest finals tomorrow and I'm going to probs cry in the middle of Honors Civilization 1, just sayin. *whimper
Well it's almost summer and the weather has been so pretty lately, I honestly cannot be that miserable over grades. Who remembers grades 5 years down the road?? Unless it keeps me from graduating and I end up a miserable old hag in a ditch somewhere...just kidding, my grades aren't that bad. I swung an A in my Broadcasting class, woot! Even though my teacher is sketch.
OKAY FORREALS I have a truckload of things to fit into a shoebox so I gotta go! xoxo Coco

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