Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My First All-Nighter: "Not for Wussies"

That's right, I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight. :)
1) I haven't yet done so and I feel as though everyone should do it at least once in their college experience!
2) I have a lot to do and it was a huge stress relief when I decided to just not sleep.
To execute this brilliant plan I bought a "stud muffin" rocket fuel, non-caffeinated, 100% vegan...thing. Under the advisement of the one and only Andi Lam <3. She approved this product, so not to worry! I think it might be powder but it's apparently "not for wussies" so I guess tonight is the night I found out if I fall into the wussy category! Finish BOM, study for BOM quiz, and then take my super-hard Honors Civ 1 quiz! Spot will be accompanying me in the hallway.
So much has happened since my last blog post but tonight there is too much else to do, so I'll leave you on this cliff-hanger: I talked with Stephen Jones!! Sleep well, everyone but me!

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