Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Banana Ninjas and Arabic: Can Life Get Any Better? I Submit That it Cannot!

The Epic of Andi & Courty: The Banana Ninjas

Ben & DJ split bananas with their bare hands one day at lunch and it excited Andi & I so much that we practiced on our own. We got so good at it that we made a video which perfectly illustrates our fascination with our own strength, uploaded it on Facebook & titled it "BANANA BAPPLE" (refers to minion video). We think we're pretty funny so we spent hours together trying to snap bananas and then afterwards were very practical and made banana bread which we gave to our aforementioned inspirations. :) Andi spent THREE HOURS editing the video and it is SO AWESOME!!!! yay for asians and their work ethic! :)

Two nights ago I slept for 13 hours and then last night I slept for 2-3 hours. My mind is a little trippy right now. I registered for classes last night at the same time as Caro and the SERVER WENT DOWN so I didn't finish all of my registration until 1:30 am! It's all good because I'm legitly stoked (right, Andi?) about my courses: 1st Year Arabic, Principles of Journalism, Ethnic Dance: Polynesian, Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies, Political Inquiry, and the New Testament!!! 15.5 credits with a language: should be interesting. Hopefully I'll make it out alive & fluent in Arabic.

Just stumbled across this webpage and made a new friend: Dorothy Parker, she's funny but mayhaps would be improved by a Clearplay filter. I think I would like to have lunch with her:
Dorothy Parker Quotes

"I wanna celebrate and live my life!"
"You couldn't even handle me right now."
"Banana Major."
<3 Courty


  1. Dude. You're gonna take so many credits that you're not gonna be able to hang out with me. :(

  2. Not to worry, I will drop classes before that happens. The main concern is my daily Arabic class, but if you help me study then we can do something fun afterwards! Like make 7-layer dip salads & make forts <3
