Friday, April 8, 2011

Forever Strong: Running Commentary

Watching this movie that was recommended by...someone. My memory can be so crazy when it comes to people. Selective memory. So anywho I'm multi-tasking. I'm going to take notes on the movie as I watch it because I like reading other people's blogs and I figure I should contribute to the blogging world. Also, I've never done this before so of course I'll try it out!
Pool scene= reminder that I am going to work out tomorrow.
Mkay definitely thought she had died, glad she didn't because that would make Penning boy upset.
Tough judge, she says it like it is. Respect.
So the attractive Penning guy finally commits to the team and now the team is doing the haka dance, YUMMY. that could scene could have been a little longer, just sayin.
Highland's winning a few games now, introduce love interest. Confused, it seemed like she was another player's girl... She should date Penning though if she has any concept of attractive. However, she was not that funny so maybe he could do better. Hopefully their interaction will improve because there's nothing more unfortunate than an attraction based solely on appearance.
I like when people rap in every day life, it makes more sense. Okay a van full of men just stopped to help this single mother with her car and she's tots fine with it, clearly this movie is set in Utah. I'm just waiting for Penning's conversion story now...
Freak, a guy is in the hospital after being hit by a car. I hate seeing Penning distressed. Uh that coach scared me, popping up out of the dark hallway & he's a little too melodramatic. I should probs stop judging, mote and beam and whatnot.
For being sentenced to a Detention Center, he sure gets out a lot. Um was that a drug deal?
Note to self: to be an awesome rugby player I should lick my hands before catching the ball.
"Good decisions don't make life easy, they make life easier." Thank you Coach. Finally a reason to be serious, that was a good quote.
Okay, I need to heavily emphasize and underline how irresistible boys are when they do things for kids!! It is absolutely the biggest turn-on. Especially if they really seem to care about the kids and play around with them. If the boy is also attractive, I hear wedding bells. How's that for a BYU student mindset??
Another point: feel free to cry, boys. Your voice gets all husky when you try and speak through tears. The guy should know that he is the protector, but it is the most amazing thing when a guy is vulnerable and I get to take care of him for a moment.
I recognize that I am now at the point where a SPOILER ALERT will have to be issued prior to any more posts so I'm going to leave you on that cliff-hanger to encourage your viewing of this film. I am definitely loving this movie, going to give Penning my full attention now. Peace out girl scout. xoxo Court

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