Thursday, March 31, 2011

So Much Love: People, Theatre and Mormon Messages

I am absolutely loving so much about my life! I experience an exponential increase of appreciation as each day passes for my university, BYU! Last night my sweatpantsista Celeste gave me tickets to see "Persuasion" in the Pardoe Theatre and it was theatrically and comedically spectacular. I am a hopeless romantic and so anything with Jane Austen and/or the 1800s thrills me! The cast was dynamic, the spinning stage was incredible, and the story was genuine. Celeste, Andi and I loved it, thanks for working at such an awesome job with these kinds of perks!! 
The past few days have been sprinkled with surprise encounters and moments which is always so much fun. I have never been one for strict, predictable schedules so I'm loving the stark differentiation between every day this week! Thanks to Andi, I have come to realize that the library is the ultimate social hotspot and studying does not even suffer, it is a complementary activity! The best-kept secret at BYU: the Asian Collection section. <3
Caro, it's been lovely catching up the past few days about our lives & other significant subjects. I always appreciate our in-depth analyses and social commentary! And trust me, Diary of A Wimpy Kid is actually a pretty cute movie so I'm sure all will go will with your little duckling mentees. (that's the visual I get whenever you bring it up) Can't wait for lunch tomorrow, I'm craving some L&T so brace yourself for that line now. :)
In addition to loving the humble superiority of BYU, I am also in love with Mormon Messages. (I heard that groan, Jerry, sorry) I mostly like that they're short but captivating from beginning to end. Just a few minutes, but thought-provoking enough to ponder for a few days. Enjoy :)

Come What May, and Love It

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