Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky I Am?

One of my favorite books ever is (you guessed it) by Dr. Seuss called "Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?"
Why am I so obsessed with Dr. Seuss? Maybe it's because I love simple logic and layered meaning. Idk.
And I have just been thinking recently about how LUCKY I have always been. I don't know why or how exactly, but I am occasionally overwhelmed slightly with how much fun my life is and how I'm exactly where I want to be in my life. (Almost, there are a few people who I wish played a bigger role.)
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the people in my life, I love many of you and I learn from all of you. I've been conducting a self-experiment where I really try and listen instead of talk so if I seem quiet, just understand that I'm taking a cue from Michel de Montaigne, not unhappy just observing more. :)
I wish I had the capability to account for every person that is another fascinating dimension of my day but I do not. Therefore, the simplest way is to just give a BIG VIRTUAL SHOUT OUT to all o' y'all!! <3
This was a very shallow post, know that my feelings are deeper, but I'm focusing more on other things right now so I'll sort out my thoughts later. :P

Advice of the Day: Read some Dr. Seuss for your own enjoyment and intellect & then go buy some Toms shoes to spruce up your footwear collection and contribute towards helping a child in Africa.
Have a perfect day!

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