Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Laundry Room Is A Soothing Place

When I was a little kid and my mom wanted me to take a nap she would turn on the hair dryer or a vaccum cleaner, it worked every time. I would also fall asleep in front of a washing machine or a dryer. Here at Disney I just finished a load of laundry and I have fallen in love with the soothing sounds of laundry being cleaned & dried. Because I'm saving money, I am using my suitcase as a laundry basket. It is incredibly convenient because it has wheels so even though I look like a dork wheeling my suitcase around the appartments, it is very easy. I wheeled in tonight sporting a bathing suit and a summer dress cover-up so I was already in a pretty happy mood & after I loaded up my 3 loads of laundry I sat in my suitcase and read my book "Imagining India." I was in a state of bliss. I rarely get an opportunity for guilt-free reading so it was lovely reading about globalization and India's economic history while I had the whooshing and occasionally clanking sound of laundry being washed on surround sound. Also, the laundry room smells like powdered cleanliness. And cleanliness is next to godliness so I was feeling rather spiritual overall.

As aforementioned, I'm programmed to be soothed by these noises so I fell asleep. Sitting cross-legged in my suitcase. I woke up 5 minutes before my laundry was finished & felt very accomplished after that power nap. It was a little trippy walking home because for whatever reason, the lightbulbs in the laundry room are green. So the outside streetlamps looked rosy pink (looking at the world through rose-colored glasses). It was fun being so independent: walking back to my appartment after doing my own laundry & using my own strength to haul the suitcase up and down 3 flights of stairs (I only banged it against the wall accidentally once or twice)! I looked for the white kitten I saw earlier but alas, no show. It would be so beyond fun to have a kitten in the appartment! I'm pretty sure it's not allowed but we could just ask a friend to catsit during cleaning checks... Well I'm working tomorrow from 11-5 and going to church at 8 pm. Ashley & I are adamant that we will cook for the elder missionaries in our ward ;) Consider it as a vicarious service for all the boys we know that will be going on their missions soon, so proud of them.

I am trying to be a supersaver so I am air-drying all of my clothes- they're currently draped over every piece of furniture in our appartment. It's pretty artistic-looking actually but I will make sure to collect them asap in the morning when they're all dried. It was lovely hearing from Max & Andrei today, gave me a lot to think about. Thanks boys. Btw, went to Epcot today after work with Ashley, Dell, Paul & Kieran. Mainly went with Ashley because we were short on time & went on two rides: Testing Zone & Space Mission. I was the pilot for our space mission, needless to say that we got to Mars safely. And the g-forces were so fun, it was so weird trying to lift up my arms during take-off! I tried to upload a blog post of quotes earlier but it didn't work so here's one to ponder:
"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." ~Voltaire
Peace, Love, and Laundry xoxo Coco

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