Friday, May 27, 2011

I Like It When Black People Call Me "Baby" or "Honey"

Even if it's to tell me I'm doing something wrong.

So I realized that I love blogging but it is such a small fraction of what I really think about. I just don't have the time to keep it as comprehensive as I would like. Essentially, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Here's a visual c/o one of my favorite magazines, National Geographic:

So here's a brief overview of me and some things I love or thought about today:

1. For a comprehensive list of things I like:
2. I want a pet, like really really a lot. Mainly I want a kitten, fish, or puppy. I'm almost sick with actual puppy love.
3. I gave blood yesterday (took it easy, given my "white-out" history) so today I did two workouts. P90X does terrible things to my hair:

4. I love thunderstorms with a burning passion. They are so powerful and I love the energy they bring. We had one tonight with a flash flood situation, so freaking stoked. As long as all people & animals are safe, bring it.

5. I'm super excited to go to bed early because it's still a little crazy outside & I had a really good dream last night. I'm going to put on socks & snuggle. So much more to say, but there's plenty of time. Good night, world. <3 cac

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