Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Disney World: Steep Learning Curve, Comparable to A Rollercoaster Ride

I fancied myself completely and utterly in control of everything, I thought that I had reached the height of capability. This Disney College Program has been an experience with a steep learning curve. A steep learning curve with dramatic benefits: meeting new people that inspire me, interacting with hundreds of people every day, and getting free admission to all of the parks. :) It has been a hugely, massively, dramatic decision that I know will pay off if I keep every day fresh and fun.
I saw the firework show over Cinderella's castle today for the first time in my memory. It was more than just a show, it was loaded with childhood nostalgia and the sensation of amazement. It really is incredible and I highly recommend adding it to your bucket list. Ricky, I shed a few delicate tears after all.
All of this change has been made more difficult by missing so many people. I miss my friends so much. I think about BYU & RVA people ALL THE TIME. It doesn't detract from my experience, it only makes me more motivated to make the most of my Disney experience because it comes at such a sacrifice. Also, there are those select people of whom I crave information: to you, I wish you the very best of luck in your future. You would think that I'm too busy to obsess over the same people, but somehow I can do it all! I've come to the realization that the older you get, the more you can handle & process. You can choose to improve with age as you try new experiences and constantly self-evaluate and set goals.
I ordered the full set of P90X today!! I am so flipping excited & I'm sure Erekson will be very proud when I see him fall semester. Basically, whenever I feel overwhelmed I add something else to my schedule. Just to see how much I can really handle. So far, it's a pretty crazy but effective system! I'm taking a course that unfortunately isn't recognized by BYU so it's just for kicks & giggles: Creativity & Innovation. I start the 18th and the class is apparently from 6 am- 10 am. Holla!
By the way, I will be working in Tortuga (Pirates of the Carribean) in 3-4 weeks & I'll be wearing the outfit of the girl in the middle:
Arrrgh matey! ;)
I worked an 8-hour shift tonight so naturally it makes sense that I'm blogging instead of getting my sleep, right?? Goodness my priorities are all over the place. Speaking of priorities, I have discovered that most guys here at Disney are gay... I definitely plan on having some gay guy friends, they are hysterical!
I checked out a book from the Disney library that I am BEYOND excited to read: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. I started it during my shift because my trainer was....slow. (That's an understatement, I had so much free time I completely updated all of my Disney profile & registered for the VoluntEARS program.) Well I had another wave of nausea today from food poisoning. What else happened? Oh yeah, bought some shampoo for "color-treated" hair for the first time EVER and was super excited because it made my hair more shiny! I also bought a People magazine for the first time ever also! It was the Collector's Edition for the Royal Wedding so I have no buyer's remorse whatsoever and I'm stoked to bury myself in pages about the wedding flowers and the love story, etc. Shishkebab, I'm so excited to resume my Arabic learning, tomorrow! I miss being able to drive but it would be a nightmare to find parking here. I miss my friends, I miss being lazy, I miss free washing machine & dryer access, I miss BYU happiness, I am anticipating how much I'm going to miss going on river trips this summer. I miss the boys in my life. I miss hugs from my family. I miss Tropical Smoothie a little bit, mainly Ms. Patel. BUT I am LOVING working in the place where dreams come true because I get to experience it with some amazing people. I love you all for reading this & keep me updated on what's going on in your lives also! <3 Courtney

1 comment:

  1. You've probably already heard this quote before but your post reminded me of it, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
