Sunday, May 15, 2011

Be Strong and Carry On (I know it doesn't rhyme but neither does the hit song "Fireworks" and it's all good)

Greetings! First of all, moment of silence for prior blog post that was systematically discarded due to a website malfunction. However, I have managed to pull myself together to bravely continue blogging. Think of it like a heartbreak, you're upset but then you realize that hanging onto it only wastes the positive potential you have to do great things. Great things, like blogging.

So anywho, 1) I am texting a guy named....Wags. :) He's black in case you couldn't tell. He asked for my number at work today via hand-written note (he has very nice cursive writing) and I thought, if he wants to get to know me after seeing me while I'm wearing a pioneer outfit and a hairnet... then kudos to him! We might chill tomorrow.
2) I have decided that my pioneer/Spanish handmaiden/pirateish outfit is fun. It is fun for spinning around and having it pouf out. It is also fun to hold fistfuls of it and swish it from side to side, like the can-can dance but less scandalous.
3) I have not seen Columbian Ashton Kutcher in a few days and I miss him. I just feel... safe with him. Does that make sense? It's ok if it doesn't, it makes sense to me. And it's an attractive safe. ;) And since my other blog was erased (*teardrop) here's a reminder of AK's face aka Simon's face when he smiles, except he has a bigger smile.
4) TODAY IS ASHLEY'S 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm currently working on her present and I almost had a heart attack when I left my computer open and I thought she saw it. Phew, close call. Yesterday we went to the Magic Kingdom and celebrated (she wore the button and got sung to by my co-workers), today we had blueberry cheesecake, and Tuesday we're all going to Typhoon Lagoon, partayyyy!
5) I like my new glasses a lot. Like, a lot a lot. They help me see, which is the best part.
6) I embraced the fact that I have no money. I used coins to pay for a Fiber One granola bar today. But I found my Disney credit card so now I'm good to go!!! Just kidding, mom, I'm saving like crazy.
7) I almost slapped a co-worker today. It was quite alarming because I am not at all violent. But I was putting a tray together and I'd never met her before and she started going on & on about what was wrong with what I was doing... maybe the humidity and heat was a factor. But I almost got into a bar fight you could say, because we're both "barmaids" at Tortuga Taverns. But then I thought WWJD so I chose instead to become her best friend & I think she secretly thinks I'm pretty cool now.
8) I'm so excited to get the magic purple pants from Celeste!! Btw darling, I found a Peter Pan music box which was beyond awesome but way beyond my price range- $35, so I'm going to keep browsing for the most amazing deal ever but if you want me to get it after all, I can always go back! <3 sweatpantsisterhood
9) Life continues to be ridiculously complex & unceasingly opportunistic. And lots and lots of fun. Every minute isn't perfect, but it's all about the attitude you have. Not an attitude in the negative sense, but an attitude of success that allows you to be happy regardless of what has or will happen. 
10) Here's a thought for you: "A thought, even a possiblity, can shatter and transform us." Friedrich Nietzsche (reminiscent of Inception hmm? Nietzsche was first)
I love life, the universe, and everything. Have a life-changing week. <3 Courty
P.S. I'm simultaneously reading "The Lexus and the Olive Tree" and "Imagining India" which are both books on globalization and I am seriously in love with this genre, it has me thinking about all of the big things I want to do in politics and in business!

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