Saturday, May 28, 2011

We're Perfect Together, Soulmates, If You Will.

So, Tyler Ward would like to go to Egypt. This is EXTREMELY significant because I will be going to Egypt as part of a Study Abroad program for my Middle Eastern Studies major. Yes, we should make this our honeymoon trip & he can sing to me as we climb the pyramids. <3 Courtney Annette Ward

Friday, May 27, 2011

I Like It When Black People Call Me "Baby" or "Honey"

Even if it's to tell me I'm doing something wrong.

So I realized that I love blogging but it is such a small fraction of what I really think about. I just don't have the time to keep it as comprehensive as I would like. Essentially, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Here's a visual c/o one of my favorite magazines, National Geographic:

So here's a brief overview of me and some things I love or thought about today:

1. For a comprehensive list of things I like:
2. I want a pet, like really really a lot. Mainly I want a kitten, fish, or puppy. I'm almost sick with actual puppy love.
3. I gave blood yesterday (took it easy, given my "white-out" history) so today I did two workouts. P90X does terrible things to my hair:

4. I love thunderstorms with a burning passion. They are so powerful and I love the energy they bring. We had one tonight with a flash flood situation, so freaking stoked. As long as all people & animals are safe, bring it.

5. I'm super excited to go to bed early because it's still a little crazy outside & I had a really good dream last night. I'm going to put on socks & snuggle. So much more to say, but there's plenty of time. Good night, world. <3 cac

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Life Is Average

When I feel like my make up or hair looks crazy & I go to the bathroom to fix it, I don't fix or adjust anything until I've looked in the mirror. Just to see if it was really as crazy as I supposed.

Today I walked over to my computer holding a pretzel. I sat down, put my headphone in my mouth, and my pretzel in my ear.

I donated blood today. Mainly because I knew I would get free food.

I poured Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal into a bowl before remembering that I was out of milk. I still ate it with a spoon.

I was going to do a P90X workout yesterday but instead had some friends over for a dessert party.

I slept in a bathtub last night because I was scared from hearing scary stories. I peeked over the edge of the bathtub every few minutes but had to work up the courage every single time.

My life is pretty normal. <3 Courtney Annette Carter

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Look at Me Now.

African Cats: A Tribute to Fearless Moms

Disneynature films are fascinating. They are inspiring & perfect. They perfectly capture the essence of their subject because the narration is only incorporated to give crucial information not provided by the visual, the story is told through video shots of the natural phenomena. <3 Films about animals that are skillfully produced always have me identify with the animals. I am motivated by their struggle to survive, I am impressed by their raw strength, I am overwhelmed with the strength of companionship.
The cubs are beyond adorable. I find role models in the cheetah Seta and the lioness Lela. They are both so protective of their young and they take on challenges that seem overwhelming for the sake of a better life for their cubs. I want to always be that fearless & selfless for my future children. I already have an amazing mother who teaches me so much about the sacrifice of being a mom. I want to be a mom for several reasons and that will never be replaced by a career. I plan on completing my education and being successful in a career but I understand what is truly important because of the examples around me. This film can be as simple or as thought-provoking as you make it (like anything) and for me, I was more captivated with each passing second.
The best movies are the most realistic ones that have multiple "genres" or tones. This film made me appreciate all the beauty and complexity in life at its most organic level. I am in awe of the beauty of wildlife and if you open your eyes to the simple details of life, you will find a lot of insight & wisdom. Seriously, this world is one big onion with lots & lots of levels. Embrace it. Press Play mucho love, Courtney Carter

Sunday, May 22, 2011


We just finished watching Cinderella at 11:59. Coincidence? I think not. We all peaced out after the movie as though everything would turn back into "pumpkins and mice". Classic Disney movies are so entertaining. Gus-Gus is one of my favorite characters, his chuckle-giggle is so funny!
I really really want to walk a marathon, any takers?
I made strawberry shortcake in a circular pan today so it was like a pancake, still delicious!
I fell in love with a job today: Plater for the Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party. This is: a party, to watch fireworks, with all-you-can-eat dessert that includes chocolate, fruit, and creme broulee. As a Plater, I got to put all of the delicate and scrumptious desserts on oblong plates & I shed a tear of joy at the beauty of my job at that moment. Aries, a girl I work with, & I kept saying over and over how much we loved our job. <3 I cannot think of a more perfect way to start a night. Because I will love him so much, my husband & I will come to Disney World. Because I love exquisite-looking desserts, we will go to the Fireworks Dessert Party.
Tomorrow I'm going to see African Cats, a Disneynature film, with Ariel, Dell, Ashley, and Jaime!! So flipping excited I can hardly wait. We're going to the 9 pm showing & beforehand Ashley is going to professionally face paint our faces to look like cats! Profile picture? I think there's an extremely high possibility.
Church today was lovely, I walked to church with a group of people and we had an awesome conversation about all the different types of dance we want to learn. I wore my Tortuga costume because I had come straight from work, but wore Toms that collected some sticker leaves that stuck to the fabric. When we got to church, Jaime and I arranged the leaves on my shoe to look like a court jester with a goatee. <3 She took a picture on her phone, of course. Daniel looked so trendy today, he is absolutely adorable. He's like a cute little kid who has a surprisingly spiffy sense of fashion. I love to observe him: when he talks he constantly has a smile that is magnified by the poufiness of his lips that almost seem to get in the way of his tongue as he speaks and seemingly overenunciates his words. So adorbz. He said the closing prayer today & I gave him a thumbs-up to say "Solid."
It's 12:34 right now. As in 1, 2, 3, 4. Probably at 56 seconds right now. As in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I know, it's pretty cool.
Ariel gets to bring home all of the things people leave in their hotel rooms like unopened bottles of water & Rice Krispie treats. She gave me a bottle of water & I'd forgotten how fresh bottled water tastes. The water from the faucets here in Florida taste like the smell of matches after you blow out the flame.
I saw Simon on the bus today, he looked at me several times but I can't tell if it's in a significant way or not. While I was reading a book, I heard a very strange, high-pitch voice singing the Cosmic Ray's birthday song. Because I worked there for the first few weeks, I turned my head and saw that it was Simon belting it out in falsetto at the back of the bus. He sang the whole song. The people with whom he was talking were laughing so hard & when we made eye contact I laughed also because he's just so darn cute. Hey you, date me.
So this other guy I work with, Cameron, asked me to go with him to the Magic Kingdom on my day off. He's pretty cute but has a somewhat feminine demeanor when he laughs. I kind of thought he was gay but he kept saying hi with a big smile whenever I walked past and seemed distressed when I wasn't sure. We shall see.
I miss my Russian boys: Max & Andrei. 
I miss my RVA friends.
Did you know that if you take long, sleepy blinks with a smile it means "I love you" in cat? Fact.
I'm so excited for the purple sweatpants!!!!!!  I am still looking for the perfect Peter Pan thing but I just haven't felt the magic yet for the things I've seen so far & it must be perfect.
I talked to Dad on the phone today, lovely chat Daddy.
Did you know that a dream is a wish your heart makes? Sweet dreams. <3 Courtney

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Disney Day #21

9:15 - Woke up, Shower #1, packed my costume/sandwich/make up, and ate Banana Nut Cheerios for breakfast. I also ate a homemade Oreo cookie that Ariel made yesterday, yummy!
9:53 - I literally ran to the bus stop to make the 9:57 bus. Walking to the bus is a luxury I simply cannot afford.
10:00 - Simon (Columbian Ashton Kutcher) gets on the bus, and we're both really happy to see each other. We smiled & talked for a few minutes but we disrupted those around us trying to sleep so we both took a nap. He's adorable when he sleeps, just saying.
10:40 - Get changed in the locker room next to the princesses, we share a mirror for applying make-up. So fun. :)
10:58 - Clock-in, get assigned to be a greeter. Put on a three-cornered pirate hat because it's fun.
11-4 - Greet. Favorite job in the whole world, I stand at the front of the restaurant, smile & talk to thousands of people. People from several different countries took pictures with me. Fun, fun, fun.
4:30- A guy I work with tries to get my number after trying to convince everyone that I dated Jimmer Fredette.
5:03- Get off work, change into normal clothes (running shorts and a soft shirt). Mentally go through my schedule for the rest of the day on the bus ride home.
6:00- Get home, drink gallons of water, eat food. Food including another homemade Oreo cookie. Hi I'm Courtney and I'm a sugar addict. I've been clean for 5 hours.
6:05- P90X work out, get crazy sweaty but feel sooooo good! Shower #2, feel like I'm living Andi's life.
7:00- Text Wags that I just want to be friends.
8:00- Skype Caro. <3
10:30- Talk to Mommy on the phone where we discuss boys and their plan for visiting DW in August!!!
11:00- Blog it up/respond to Andrei's email. :)
11:30- Projected time for sleeping but will probs lose track of time on the computer until 11:41.
Have a magical night, people! xoxo Coco

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Disney, Disney, Disney and... Disney Movies!!

What are you excited to watch this summer? :) COMING SOON...

Starring Brad Pitt, really loved the montague of movie clips about ordinary life and natural phenomena, limited release. I'm going to try really hard to go see this! (May 27)

Pirates of the Carribean 2: Crazy, Penelope looks like Keira during some of the action shots! I'm excited to see more of Johnny Depp, he's always always always entertaining. OH MY GOSH, I just realized this comes out in 2 daysssss! (May 20)

Weapon of the year: frying pan. This looks a lot like the first one, and the first one was surprisingly good! And this trailer made me laugh :) And this one. (May 27)

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer: This looks soooo cute! Love the colors, the characters, and the style of this movie. Haven't read the book, but I don't think that will be a problem. After all, kids are the funniest people I know! (June 10)

Mr. Popper's Penguins: Jim Carrey, hit or miss but I think the dance scene was cute. :) I read the books when I was little so for the sake of nostalgia, I shall see this movie. Possibly on Netflix. Word to ya motha. (June 17)

Green Lantern: I would only ever see this on a date if the guy really wanted to see it. Even though Ryan Reynolds is adorbz, I don't think he's always that great of an actor and money is tight this summer. If you've read or watched the comics then I think it will impress! (June 17)

Cars 2: I thought I had clicked on the wrong movie trailer for a few seconds, there! I will see this movie specifically for Mater. <3 "Look out ladies, Mater's starting to get clunky!" (June 24)

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows, Part 2: This is it, the final movie. Of stinkin course I'm going to see this, midnight premiere after a day in Harry Potter Wizarding World, baby!! Maybe it was just my headphones but I had a hard time hearing the narration over the music. Regardless, this movie can't help but be epic. (July 15)

Larry Crowne: Sometimes I have a hard time taking Tom Hanks seriously because I can only think of Forrest Gump BUT this movie looks pretty cute. (July 1)

Winnie the Pooh: Love love love love love. Yes yes yes yes. Cute cute cute. (July 15)

The Help: There's a good message here about civil rights and friendship, I wonder if it's based on a book. (August 12)

30 Minutes or Less: Thumbs down for incorporating trashy themes. I just put this up because I think Indian people are hillarious. (August 12)

Our Idiot Brother: Didn't like the peeing scene. Everything else looks pretty funny! Still can't get over how much Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry look alike... (August 26)

Ok, ok that's enough. Go do something productive. :) So many more, look them up yourself and let me know what you're excited to see! Friendly word of advice: don't watch too many trailers because you want there to be surprises when you actually watch the movie. <3 Coco

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There's Only 1 Thing 2 Do, 3 Words 4 You

Dearest Andi, I love you girl. Thank you so much for your true friendship and consideration. I will always treasure our friendship!! I cannot wait to see you at the end of the summer, we will have incredible Asian food cooking parties. <3 love forever & always, Courty
P.S. I love reading your blog posts! #bloggerlove


Tower of Terror. This name allures many thrill-seekers from all over the world, for me it conjured up feelings of distress. However, thanks to my roomies I finally rode it. I was a hot mess during the wait in line, while standing on the floor spots, sitting in the seats (we were front flipping row) and afterwards when I collapsed in a fit of giggles against the wall. I bought the picture because it PERFECTLY captured the terror that we experienced in that tower. Ok, here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Today was crazy in the best way possible. We woke up and went to Typhoon Lagoon where we rode all of the watercoasters and did everything there. The lazy river was awesome, I double-stacked my rafts for kicks & giggles but the cute lifeguard yelled and then shook cold water all over me from his waterbottle. :) He was pretty cool. All of us bought dainty rope anklets with aqua blue beads that symbolize "Romance" and apparently if the anklet falls off, it will come true. I tied mine on loosely. After Typhoon we came home, ate dinner, then went to Hollywood Studios. There was so much to do there!! Disney never ceases to amaze me with its magnitude and creativity. Hollywood Studios: Tower of Terror, Rockin' Rollercoaster (Aerosmith-themed, loved it), then Fantasmic (incredible water show that themed Fantasia, one of my all-time favorite childhood movies)!! Beforehand, Dell asked me to help her finish some of her mint ice-cream but I think the combination of crazy rides, intense sunshine, and sugar was a not-so-good idea. I was beyond loopy for the rest of the night, still feel a little tipsy. I was so light-headed I actually felt true love for the cotton-candy man. Story: I got up to go to the bathroom to ease my nausea and passed a fellow my age who was broad-shouldered and selling pink cotton candy.
He smiled as I passed, I smiled back, and felt a sudden urge to hug him. Fortunately the nausea won out for my attention, but on the way back I passed him again and actually had to cross my arms to discourage the impulse. I still don't fully understand what happened but I told my roommates to make sure I didn't go around hugging people. On the bus ride home, we met Patrick: a psychic comedian who was honestly one of the funniest people we've met here at Disney. He was intrigued by my unexplainable giggling fits, admitted that he had quite a bit of sugar that day himself, and proceeded to entertain us with various impersonations of Shaggy, the tour guide of the Zimbabwe safari, and other personas. All started because I asked him the time. He was a RIOT. Work tomorrow, it's going to be fun wearing a white polyester shirt with my sunburn. I'll be taking pain meds. Today was insane but as Robin Williams so skillfully said, "We are each given a spark of madness, we must never lose it." Hugs to all!!!! :) Court

It's Been Way Too Long and I've Been Too Polite

I just deleted every single text message from you. There were exactly 100 messages. It was great: I changed out of my date clothes and put on my white sweatshirt, listened to some Rascal Flatts and George Strait, cried a little, but it's done. It took me this long because I loved being able to sit on the bus or lie in bed and go through old texts and remember how I felt when I saw those texts and how much I cared about you. I'll always think about you when I listen to Tyler Ward, watch Up, or listen to someone talk about WoW, and for a thousand other reasons, but everything has changed and that's fine. I miss you but I'm tired of having to guess about everything.
For everyone's adoration: this music video and these lyrics are precious. Thank you.
Check Yes or No
Btw, just got back from a date with Wags. We walked around Downtown Disney after I went to a ward activity called, "Where's Waldo?" Thanks Bryce for getting us the discount on Ghiradelli's Mint Bliss ice cream, mmmmmmm. So after walking around Planet Hollywood, Wags & I sat on a bench and talked. He told me he really liked me, WTH? I found out about his existence yesterday. Here are some things I know about him: he's really sweet, he's a hard worker, he's Haitian, he's worked at Disney for 18 months, he visited his family in Georgia in February, he considered joining the Navy, he's willing to "chase me" if I deploy to another part of the park. Omgz I'm too tired to even begin describing my thoughts about that last point. Anywho, he bought our movie tickets for Fast Five (Vinn Diesel), pretty good movie but too much sensuality & swearing. I'd rather watch Up, "South America! It's like America...but South." :) So he wants to hang out tomorrow but......I'll think about that tomorrow morning. He's a really decent guy & I appreciate that he asked me on a date, that's good. I just don't see a future in this, unfortunately.
Well, I'm starting to feel a little dizzy from sleep deprivation so good night. <3 Charlie Alpha Charlie
P.S. I'm still a devout believer in true love. It's everywhere. And I love pictures of happy, adorable couples. <3

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Be Strong and Carry On (I know it doesn't rhyme but neither does the hit song "Fireworks" and it's all good)

Greetings! First of all, moment of silence for prior blog post that was systematically discarded due to a website malfunction. However, I have managed to pull myself together to bravely continue blogging. Think of it like a heartbreak, you're upset but then you realize that hanging onto it only wastes the positive potential you have to do great things. Great things, like blogging.

So anywho, 1) I am texting a guy named....Wags. :) He's black in case you couldn't tell. He asked for my number at work today via hand-written note (he has very nice cursive writing) and I thought, if he wants to get to know me after seeing me while I'm wearing a pioneer outfit and a hairnet... then kudos to him! We might chill tomorrow.
2) I have decided that my pioneer/Spanish handmaiden/pirateish outfit is fun. It is fun for spinning around and having it pouf out. It is also fun to hold fistfuls of it and swish it from side to side, like the can-can dance but less scandalous.
3) I have not seen Columbian Ashton Kutcher in a few days and I miss him. I just feel... safe with him. Does that make sense? It's ok if it doesn't, it makes sense to me. And it's an attractive safe. ;) And since my other blog was erased (*teardrop) here's a reminder of AK's face aka Simon's face when he smiles, except he has a bigger smile.
4) TODAY IS ASHLEY'S 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm currently working on her present and I almost had a heart attack when I left my computer open and I thought she saw it. Phew, close call. Yesterday we went to the Magic Kingdom and celebrated (she wore the button and got sung to by my co-workers), today we had blueberry cheesecake, and Tuesday we're all going to Typhoon Lagoon, partayyyy!
5) I like my new glasses a lot. Like, a lot a lot. They help me see, which is the best part.
6) I embraced the fact that I have no money. I used coins to pay for a Fiber One granola bar today. But I found my Disney credit card so now I'm good to go!!! Just kidding, mom, I'm saving like crazy.
7) I almost slapped a co-worker today. It was quite alarming because I am not at all violent. But I was putting a tray together and I'd never met her before and she started going on & on about what was wrong with what I was doing... maybe the humidity and heat was a factor. But I almost got into a bar fight you could say, because we're both "barmaids" at Tortuga Taverns. But then I thought WWJD so I chose instead to become her best friend & I think she secretly thinks I'm pretty cool now.
8) I'm so excited to get the magic purple pants from Celeste!! Btw darling, I found a Peter Pan music box which was beyond awesome but way beyond my price range- $35, so I'm going to keep browsing for the most amazing deal ever but if you want me to get it after all, I can always go back! <3 sweatpantsisterhood
9) Life continues to be ridiculously complex & unceasingly opportunistic. And lots and lots of fun. Every minute isn't perfect, but it's all about the attitude you have. Not an attitude in the negative sense, but an attitude of success that allows you to be happy regardless of what has or will happen. 
10) Here's a thought for you: "A thought, even a possiblity, can shatter and transform us." Friedrich Nietzsche (reminiscent of Inception hmm? Nietzsche was first)
I love life, the universe, and everything. Have a life-changing week. <3 Courty
P.S. I'm simultaneously reading "The Lexus and the Olive Tree" and "Imagining India" which are both books on globalization and I am seriously in love with this genre, it has me thinking about all of the big things I want to do in politics and in business!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Love You Mommy, So Much.

Dear Mom,
Today is for you because you do so much for our family. I couldn't ask for a better friend, listener, cheerleader, or example. You have always been a role model for me, even when I didn't realize it. I know that I can talk to you about any boy crush or problem, how my day has been going, or just to tune into what's going on back at home.
Your strength and courage with Lindsay amazes me and inspires me to have a greater appreciation for all people with disabilities or delays and this has been a tremendous blessing.
You care deeply about family (extended family also) and always make the effort to spend time with them. This creates a bond with relatives that supports me when I make decisions and lets me know that I am loved no matter what I do. Thank you for always making the effort.
 You have always had the right priorities in life and I desperately want to be like you when I'm your age: strong testimony, loving husband, good health & fitness, and be service-oriented. Oh and awesome kids. :)
 This past year at college and now here at Disney I've had to put my supposed strength and independence to the test and I don't know if I would be this strong if I didn't always have you and Dad supporting me and cheering me on at every stage in my life.
You deserve only the utmost expressions of gratitude from me and I hope that I can always live my life so that you will be proud of me! You're one of the people that keeps me from falling apart sometimes and I don't know what I would do without you.
I've gotten tears and mascara all over my sleeve as I typed this out and sobbed (quietly of course, my roomies are asleep) and I just wish I could give you a big hug right now but I can't so I'll just have to wait until you visit. I love spending time with you!!! I am a believer in yoga now. :) I'm so sorry for all of the times I've been a brat. I was being selfish but you still loved me. Thanks for getting me through those hard times & for showing me the way to be. I am so proud to be your daughter and I am so lucky to be in this family! I love you. <3 Courtney

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Laundry Room Is A Soothing Place

When I was a little kid and my mom wanted me to take a nap she would turn on the hair dryer or a vaccum cleaner, it worked every time. I would also fall asleep in front of a washing machine or a dryer. Here at Disney I just finished a load of laundry and I have fallen in love with the soothing sounds of laundry being cleaned & dried. Because I'm saving money, I am using my suitcase as a laundry basket. It is incredibly convenient because it has wheels so even though I look like a dork wheeling my suitcase around the appartments, it is very easy. I wheeled in tonight sporting a bathing suit and a summer dress cover-up so I was already in a pretty happy mood & after I loaded up my 3 loads of laundry I sat in my suitcase and read my book "Imagining India." I was in a state of bliss. I rarely get an opportunity for guilt-free reading so it was lovely reading about globalization and India's economic history while I had the whooshing and occasionally clanking sound of laundry being washed on surround sound. Also, the laundry room smells like powdered cleanliness. And cleanliness is next to godliness so I was feeling rather spiritual overall.

As aforementioned, I'm programmed to be soothed by these noises so I fell asleep. Sitting cross-legged in my suitcase. I woke up 5 minutes before my laundry was finished & felt very accomplished after that power nap. It was a little trippy walking home because for whatever reason, the lightbulbs in the laundry room are green. So the outside streetlamps looked rosy pink (looking at the world through rose-colored glasses). It was fun being so independent: walking back to my appartment after doing my own laundry & using my own strength to haul the suitcase up and down 3 flights of stairs (I only banged it against the wall accidentally once or twice)! I looked for the white kitten I saw earlier but alas, no show. It would be so beyond fun to have a kitten in the appartment! I'm pretty sure it's not allowed but we could just ask a friend to catsit during cleaning checks... Well I'm working tomorrow from 11-5 and going to church at 8 pm. Ashley & I are adamant that we will cook for the elder missionaries in our ward ;) Consider it as a vicarious service for all the boys we know that will be going on their missions soon, so proud of them.

I am trying to be a supersaver so I am air-drying all of my clothes- they're currently draped over every piece of furniture in our appartment. It's pretty artistic-looking actually but I will make sure to collect them asap in the morning when they're all dried. It was lovely hearing from Max & Andrei today, gave me a lot to think about. Thanks boys. Btw, went to Epcot today after work with Ashley, Dell, Paul & Kieran. Mainly went with Ashley because we were short on time & went on two rides: Testing Zone & Space Mission. I was the pilot for our space mission, needless to say that we got to Mars safely. And the g-forces were so fun, it was so weird trying to lift up my arms during take-off! I tried to upload a blog post of quotes earlier but it didn't work so here's one to ponder:
"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." ~Voltaire
Peace, Love, and Laundry xoxo Coco

Friday, May 6, 2011

Slipped Away

I love where I am but I miss you. (Thanks to Ashley for showing me this!! :])

Disney- Slipped Away

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Disney World: Steep Learning Curve, Comparable to A Rollercoaster Ride

I fancied myself completely and utterly in control of everything, I thought that I had reached the height of capability. This Disney College Program has been an experience with a steep learning curve. A steep learning curve with dramatic benefits: meeting new people that inspire me, interacting with hundreds of people every day, and getting free admission to all of the parks. :) It has been a hugely, massively, dramatic decision that I know will pay off if I keep every day fresh and fun.
I saw the firework show over Cinderella's castle today for the first time in my memory. It was more than just a show, it was loaded with childhood nostalgia and the sensation of amazement. It really is incredible and I highly recommend adding it to your bucket list. Ricky, I shed a few delicate tears after all.
All of this change has been made more difficult by missing so many people. I miss my friends so much. I think about BYU & RVA people ALL THE TIME. It doesn't detract from my experience, it only makes me more motivated to make the most of my Disney experience because it comes at such a sacrifice. Also, there are those select people of whom I crave information: to you, I wish you the very best of luck in your future. You would think that I'm too busy to obsess over the same people, but somehow I can do it all! I've come to the realization that the older you get, the more you can handle & process. You can choose to improve with age as you try new experiences and constantly self-evaluate and set goals.
I ordered the full set of P90X today!! I am so flipping excited & I'm sure Erekson will be very proud when I see him fall semester. Basically, whenever I feel overwhelmed I add something else to my schedule. Just to see how much I can really handle. So far, it's a pretty crazy but effective system! I'm taking a course that unfortunately isn't recognized by BYU so it's just for kicks & giggles: Creativity & Innovation. I start the 18th and the class is apparently from 6 am- 10 am. Holla!
By the way, I will be working in Tortuga (Pirates of the Carribean) in 3-4 weeks & I'll be wearing the outfit of the girl in the middle:
Arrrgh matey! ;)
I worked an 8-hour shift tonight so naturally it makes sense that I'm blogging instead of getting my sleep, right?? Goodness my priorities are all over the place. Speaking of priorities, I have discovered that most guys here at Disney are gay... I definitely plan on having some gay guy friends, they are hysterical!
I checked out a book from the Disney library that I am BEYOND excited to read: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. I started it during my shift because my trainer was....slow. (That's an understatement, I had so much free time I completely updated all of my Disney profile & registered for the VoluntEARS program.) Well I had another wave of nausea today from food poisoning. What else happened? Oh yeah, bought some shampoo for "color-treated" hair for the first time EVER and was super excited because it made my hair more shiny! I also bought a People magazine for the first time ever also! It was the Collector's Edition for the Royal Wedding so I have no buyer's remorse whatsoever and I'm stoked to bury myself in pages about the wedding flowers and the love story, etc. Shishkebab, I'm so excited to resume my Arabic learning, tomorrow! I miss being able to drive but it would be a nightmare to find parking here. I miss my friends, I miss being lazy, I miss free washing machine & dryer access, I miss BYU happiness, I am anticipating how much I'm going to miss going on river trips this summer. I miss the boys in my life. I miss hugs from my family. I miss Tropical Smoothie a little bit, mainly Ms. Patel. BUT I am LOVING working in the place where dreams come true because I get to experience it with some amazing people. I love you all for reading this & keep me updated on what's going on in your lives also! <3 Courtney