Saturday, April 30, 2011

Let's Get Down to Business, Shall We?

Hokay, so.
I forreals have started to write a post for like the past ten days but it was oddly never completed & subsequently posted so I will now proceed to give you a list of highlights:
1) I flew back home for 6 days, mucho love. (slept in my bed, very little responsiblity, constant hugs from my family, opened the pantry & could eat food I didn't have to go out and buy myself, drove, hung out with Jerry, Sam, Caro, Meagan, and Janani)
2) I left home and flew to Orlando, FL. I discovered a new phenomena, love bugs.
3) I checked into the Disney College Program & received a program handbook/planner with Walt Disney quotes.
4) I contemplate on how flipping thrilled I am with my life. For a while.
5) I meet Kieran on the bus and he becomes my best buddy for the day, he is such a SWEETHEART!
6) He carried my bags for me while we walked around Downtown Disney after my Orientation.
7) We get slightly lost because we decide to walk to Port Orleans instead of taking the water taxi. Love golf giftshops :)
8) I got my room assignment which meant I was coincidentally rooming with some girls I met earlier in the day! <3
9) I ate some trail mix.
10) My roommates & I attempted Wal-Mart because we had no food, but...long story haha...
11) Roomates agreed to order pizza from Papa John's. We got transferred 2x & had a convo with Kyle-Zach. :)
12) Swimming pool with the roommates, recreated Eclipse movie trailer & discovered other Mormons.
13) Why is 13 considered unlucky? Anywho, went to sleep after a water-only shower Wal-Mart.
14) Woke up, ran to bus with Dell & Ariel (roommates) for Traditions, made it.
15) Visited the Magic Kingdom with Traditions class, learned Disney secrets. (Almost posted them just now! whoops)
16) Met and re-met a bunch of BYU Disney peeps. Mickey Mouse came!!! Mobile Upload to Fbook of course.
17) After class, finally a Wal-Mart trip. Carried roughly 10 bags at once & had to perch on my bags for the bus ride home.
18) CUTE Aussie guy & I chatted while my hair blew around crazily & had plastic bugs strung all up my arms that anchored my arms to the ground, literally. Just fabulous. (sarcasm towards my demeanor)
19) Downtown Disney with the roomies = SO MUCH FUN. Dance party, geode rocks, water taxi, pop art.
20) Get back at 1 AM, wake up at 6 AM today. Like a boss.
21) 1st Day of Training! Run from apartment building to bus stop, just barely made it. (set a personal time record)
22) Walked around the ENTIRE Magic Kingdom in stilettos because I missed a memo apparently. Lots o' pain.
23) While there I saw Flynn Rider (yes ladies, he looked HAWT), rode the Buzz Lightyear ride, went through the Haunted Mansion after much persuasion (thank you Jen), realized that I will be working in THREE separate locations :), got my h0# futuristic costume with a zillion buttons, and smiled myself silly.
24) Met George, the most awesome Disney teacher ever. Ate lunch in a cafeteria with Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, & her actual real-life boyfriend, the Prince. :)
25) Wal-Mart run with a total of 7 people, rode in a 5-person car, bought some shoes & Ibuprofen for poor Ariel, the car started smoking while backed-up in traffic, cute busboy from CiCi's helped us, we walked miles back.

Yup, I know I look good. No need to overwhelm me with fanmail.
I'm having a really good time here, the roommates are fabulous, I have Special K granola bars, incredibly stoked about working in my 3 different roles, and SO proud to be affiliated with this amazing company. Seriously lovin' the emphasis on values & ethics. Mkay I've gotten an average of 4.5 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 nights (totally worth all the fun) but I'm going to get some beauty sleep now, have a magical night! :) *cheeseball smile xoxox Coco

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's the Final Countdown: 32 Hours Until I'm On An Airplane

Today I was unexpectedly called in to work for 3 hours! Not too long, but long enough to completely derail my careful schedule! I took my American Heritage test today, let's not talk about that. I know I'm brilliant & fabulous but that grade was UGLY. I went and chilled with Andi right afterwards, fun stuff: Creamery for ice cream & of course some photobooth which is always fun. Especially when I almost fall off the chair trying to get out of the photobooth frame.
So, I love packing. I'm just going to keep telling myself that until this chaos is over. When did I accumulate so much stuff?!?!? It's been fun trying to figure out which clothes I need vs. want vs. think I'll need vs. should wear more often. My only consolation is that packing gives me a chance to jam with Tyler Ward via the medium of Youtube. We have some good dance parties fo sho. Alright, two of my hardest finals tomorrow and I'm going to probs cry in the middle of Honors Civilization 1, just sayin. *whimper
Well it's almost summer and the weather has been so pretty lately, I honestly cannot be that miserable over grades. Who remembers grades 5 years down the road?? Unless it keeps me from graduating and I end up a miserable old hag in a ditch somewhere...just kidding, my grades aren't that bad. I swung an A in my Broadcasting class, woot! Even though my teacher is sketch.
OKAY FORREALS I have a truckload of things to fit into a shoebox so I gotta go! xoxo Coco

Monday, April 18, 2011

Study With Enya~Orinoco Flow

These music videos are perfect for this music genre & very calming for study sessions. :)

Orinoco Flow

May Have Overdosed on Lavendar Lotion

I just got a care package from ma familia today (that's one of 5 phrases I know in Spanish, that's all you're getting for today) and it was the most amazing thing ever: no food to make me snack, refreshing gum, elastic hairbands for my study look: messy bun up-do, letters from each person in my family that made me tear up & have to subsequently check my make-up, and this "Melt Away Stress" lavendar lotion by Johnson&Johnson. It "helps you unwind and feel at ease".
I realized that when I get stressed I consume or use the things around me: nailpolish? paint my nails, cereal? snack on Cheerios, notes from peeps? read So, I've been keeping bottles of water handy & this has beeen a good/bad idea: I stay hydrated but I take a lot of study breaks to make trips to the WC. (Water closet aka restroom for you uncultured people.)
So tonight I went to an activity planned out by my friend Charlie and it was pretty awesome! I went with Andi girl and we filmed the entire experience on her iPhone. I need to get me one of those, or a Droid. It was a simulated plane crash that led to a discussion of the Plan of Salvation at various stations by future missionary boys. Andi & I were selected to not go on to spirit paradise, we had to go to spirit prison. We were blindfolded & escorted by masked "demons" who were a little handsy! We can be led by vocal cues, no need to put your hand around my waist!! So anywho, the video will be posted so you can all experience it with us.
Worked 7 hours today, met an asian guy named Ben who's going to major in Conservational Biology. Working with him was way fun & I hope we run into each other again at some point in the near future.
Ok so there's a Russian guy in my life who is really awesome & we've had several deep conversations. I <3 serious conversations so much!! I love how intrigued he is by my thought process/opinions & I love how humble he is about his INCREDIBLE accomplishments. And he works out every day. I know, I'm lucky. :)
Shout out to the People In My Day Today, you know who y'all are- awesome people, it was way fun. Mkay gotta STUDY FOR FINALS woot. Just realized my Comms final is online, holler.
This lavendar lotion has a relaxing chemical that is in direct conflict with my mental hyperenergy as I study and the result is quite fascinating: outwardly drowsy but inwardly focused. <3 chemicals, Court
P.S. Home in 3.5 days, indescribably stoked.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Oh, flip.

I have just embraced the realization that for whatever reason, the part of my brain that motivates me to study has somehow been set on snooze. Sorry mom and dad.
Yup. Pretty much!

Tyler Ward: Let's Make it to 6 Million

0:15-0:23 Tyler Ward :)

Born This Way

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My First All-Nighter: "Not for Wussies"

That's right, I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight. :)
1) I haven't yet done so and I feel as though everyone should do it at least once in their college experience!
2) I have a lot to do and it was a huge stress relief when I decided to just not sleep.
To execute this brilliant plan I bought a "stud muffin" rocket fuel, non-caffeinated, 100% vegan...thing. Under the advisement of the one and only Andi Lam <3. She approved this product, so not to worry! I think it might be powder but it's apparently "not for wussies" so I guess tonight is the night I found out if I fall into the wussy category! Finish BOM, study for BOM quiz, and then take my super-hard Honors Civ 1 quiz! Spot will be accompanying me in the hallway.
So much has happened since my last blog post but tonight there is too much else to do, so I'll leave you on this cliff-hanger: I talked with Stephen Jones!! Sleep well, everyone but me!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Forever Strong: Running Commentary

Watching this movie that was recommended by...someone. My memory can be so crazy when it comes to people. Selective memory. So anywho I'm multi-tasking. I'm going to take notes on the movie as I watch it because I like reading other people's blogs and I figure I should contribute to the blogging world. Also, I've never done this before so of course I'll try it out!
Pool scene= reminder that I am going to work out tomorrow.
Mkay definitely thought she had died, glad she didn't because that would make Penning boy upset.
Tough judge, she says it like it is. Respect.
So the attractive Penning guy finally commits to the team and now the team is doing the haka dance, YUMMY. that could scene could have been a little longer, just sayin.
Highland's winning a few games now, introduce love interest. Confused, it seemed like she was another player's girl... She should date Penning though if she has any concept of attractive. However, she was not that funny so maybe he could do better. Hopefully their interaction will improve because there's nothing more unfortunate than an attraction based solely on appearance.
I like when people rap in every day life, it makes more sense. Okay a van full of men just stopped to help this single mother with her car and she's tots fine with it, clearly this movie is set in Utah. I'm just waiting for Penning's conversion story now...
Freak, a guy is in the hospital after being hit by a car. I hate seeing Penning distressed. Uh that coach scared me, popping up out of the dark hallway & he's a little too melodramatic. I should probs stop judging, mote and beam and whatnot.
For being sentenced to a Detention Center, he sure gets out a lot. Um was that a drug deal?
Note to self: to be an awesome rugby player I should lick my hands before catching the ball.
"Good decisions don't make life easy, they make life easier." Thank you Coach. Finally a reason to be serious, that was a good quote.
Okay, I need to heavily emphasize and underline how irresistible boys are when they do things for kids!! It is absolutely the biggest turn-on. Especially if they really seem to care about the kids and play around with them. If the boy is also attractive, I hear wedding bells. How's that for a BYU student mindset??
Another point: feel free to cry, boys. Your voice gets all husky when you try and speak through tears. The guy should know that he is the protector, but it is the most amazing thing when a guy is vulnerable and I get to take care of him for a moment.
I recognize that I am now at the point where a SPOILER ALERT will have to be issued prior to any more posts so I'm going to leave you on that cliff-hanger to encourage your viewing of this film. I am definitely loving this movie, going to give Penning my full attention now. Peace out girl scout. xoxo Court

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Marius' Documentary: I Am Not My Body

I saw this documentary last night in the JSB & wept. His story is fascinating and the full documentary is a cinematic triumph in the way it skillfully tells the story of this boy who is a true fighter through a lot of changes and challenges. This 12-year-old Romanian boy is one of my heroes and I had the honor of hearing him speak in person.
Marius is a burn victim and I'm issuing a caution to anyone who has a hard time with disfigurations.

I Am Not My Body

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Banana Ninjas and Arabic: Can Life Get Any Better? I Submit That it Cannot!

The Epic of Andi & Courty: The Banana Ninjas

Ben & DJ split bananas with their bare hands one day at lunch and it excited Andi & I so much that we practiced on our own. We got so good at it that we made a video which perfectly illustrates our fascination with our own strength, uploaded it on Facebook & titled it "BANANA BAPPLE" (refers to minion video). We think we're pretty funny so we spent hours together trying to snap bananas and then afterwards were very practical and made banana bread which we gave to our aforementioned inspirations. :) Andi spent THREE HOURS editing the video and it is SO AWESOME!!!! yay for asians and their work ethic! :)

Two nights ago I slept for 13 hours and then last night I slept for 2-3 hours. My mind is a little trippy right now. I registered for classes last night at the same time as Caro and the SERVER WENT DOWN so I didn't finish all of my registration until 1:30 am! It's all good because I'm legitly stoked (right, Andi?) about my courses: 1st Year Arabic, Principles of Journalism, Ethnic Dance: Polynesian, Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies, Political Inquiry, and the New Testament!!! 15.5 credits with a language: should be interesting. Hopefully I'll make it out alive & fluent in Arabic.

Just stumbled across this webpage and made a new friend: Dorothy Parker, she's funny but mayhaps would be improved by a Clearplay filter. I think I would like to have lunch with her:
Dorothy Parker Quotes

"I wanna celebrate and live my life!"
"You couldn't even handle me right now."
"Banana Major."
<3 Courty

What I Listened To When the Server Went Down During Class Registration

This picture came to mind as I sought for peace and serenity, thank you Casey.

Meditation: Clearing Negativity

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BTW, FTW: Will Anderson

It's been a while. And & it fits my mood. And this post is in honor of the upcoming partayyyy!

Under Control- Parachute

Plan H: Because A-G Didn't Work

Plan H: just write & type.
And just stop/putting so much stock/in all of this stuff./Live your life for those that you love.
When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed/when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost/count your many blessings, name them one by one/and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Hakuna matata.
Easy breezy Covergirl.
If I could fall into the sky...
How would my life be different if I had a Time-Turner?
Learn how to play the piano again, be able to play "Emma".
I have some amazing friends who I genuinely love, especially when we take pictures together. <3
I have been spoiled by life, it's been so good.
I hate feeling "blank" around certain people. Why is it that I am not at all myself when I really need to be?
Remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.
General Conference is the ultimate pick me-up and perfectly soothed my soul.
Be gentle with me.
I need to get my glasses fixed.
I'll be fine no matter what, I'm fine right now, so why do I feel like crying?
Plain Clothes was an exciting surprise.
I need to take out the trash. I need to fold my clothes. I need to start packing up things.
The prettiest girls are the happiest ones.
Snow is so pristine, even when it's been walked on.
I may seem strong but if I'm honest, I know that I can break.
I don't want people to wonder what I think about them, I want them to know.
Maybe I need to do something crazy, Avril Lavigne style.
Life is good, no, life is amazing.
^Just some thoughts running around in my head. There are more but I'm falling asleep <3 CAC