Monday, November 26, 2012

Pointless Assignments are Pointless.

This is definitely a procrastination post. I'm supposed to be writing journal entries for a Marriage Prep class but they're all so BORING and PREDICTABLE and it feels like BUSY WORK. Here are my thoughts on marriage:
Do not read articles about how to make husband/wife happy. It TOTALLY depends on who you marry and who you are as a person.
It will be ridiculously fun to get to know what they are like at all times of the day. If they're grumpy, give them space. Except for if my husband is adorable when he's grumpy, then he might get his face kissed.
I am seriously low-maintenance so I really don't expect a lot from my husband. I will evaluate whether he WANTS to do stuff for me or not. If he does not, I won't marry him probably. I will always be doing stuff for my husband.
We'll both be super attractive all the time because that's what happens when you're in love. I don't have unrealistic expectations, I just believe that you see the beauty in everything a person does when you love them. (Pour example: Channing Tatum plays with his hoodie strings in such a hot way.)
You can't have the rainbows without rain. 'Nough said.
We will talk through things. We will listen. If I'm working on it and he's working on it, we'll get better.

And those are just a few thoughts on my future marriage.
a bored college student

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