Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If School Is my Career, I Don't Have A Lot of Job Security.

So I guess this is a test to see if my parents read my blog. 

I missed three quizzes today. I don't know how else to say this, but I forgot it was Tuesday.

Strange, and I'm not sure if this is a self-defense mechanism, but I feel apathetic. Stressed yes, but I thought abut the response that someone would say who promotes the long-term perspective. I love learning but my grade doesn't usually reflect what I've learned, it reflects how well I have catered to the teacher's expectations. 

I also feel strangely unmotivated to be in journalism or politics. I feel as though my talent is in observation of people and phenomena. I don't need a degree to be a great journalist, the only thing I think I need is experience. School doesn't give you as much experience as it should. I'm learning too much in the classroom about stuff that I could EASILY learn on the job. 

I feel as though my real talent is in the real world. I have positive experiences from my interactions with strangers, with my internship of working in a real office environment and performing real jobs. I may not review my class notes every night when I come home, but I know how to work hard when given a meaningful task.

Your vote, your choice, your decision. Election 2012. I think Obama has this election. I voted for Romney because I think Obama has messed up this economy with radical measures. However, I think there is a chance that Obama's plans just need more time to manifest themselves. I do not believe in higher tax rates for the rich, that's a disincentive for people to succeed. 

We need to support the poor by creating jobs, not by giving them other people's money.

I foresee a reality check for both political parties, regardless of who wins. By the way, ironic that Missouri voted for a Mormon. :)

"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. Twain, Mark"

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