Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Wouldn't Trade My Life for Anyone Else's. Not Even Jenna Dewan-Tatum's.

I just got super pumped for Tahiti. I know it was inevitable, being Tahiti and all,  but I was pushed to the verge of excitement by a blog recommended by a new friend, Ana. This is the darling blog right here and I just read it in its entirety. I reallyreallyreally need to finish my Preach My Gospel outline for lesson 3 because it's PAST its due date and I'm still struggling to focus! I just have difficulty preparing a lesson for a grade, there's like this huge mental resistance because I know that once I get out in the mission field, I'll customize the lesson according to the needs of my investigator based on what they ask and how the Spirit directs me. I'M SURE IT'S INSPIRED TO HAVE THIS AS A MISSION PREP ASSIGNMENT. Ok, I should just admit that my work ethic is low for school right now. :) I ain't even mad!

Good night!

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