Monday, November 26, 2012

Pointless Assignments are Pointless.

This is definitely a procrastination post. I'm supposed to be writing journal entries for a Marriage Prep class but they're all so BORING and PREDICTABLE and it feels like BUSY WORK. Here are my thoughts on marriage:
Do not read articles about how to make husband/wife happy. It TOTALLY depends on who you marry and who you are as a person.
It will be ridiculously fun to get to know what they are like at all times of the day. If they're grumpy, give them space. Except for if my husband is adorable when he's grumpy, then he might get his face kissed.
I am seriously low-maintenance so I really don't expect a lot from my husband. I will evaluate whether he WANTS to do stuff for me or not. If he does not, I won't marry him probably. I will always be doing stuff for my husband.
We'll both be super attractive all the time because that's what happens when you're in love. I don't have unrealistic expectations, I just believe that you see the beauty in everything a person does when you love them. (Pour example: Channing Tatum plays with his hoodie strings in such a hot way.)
You can't have the rainbows without rain. 'Nough said.
We will talk through things. We will listen. If I'm working on it and he's working on it, we'll get better.

And those are just a few thoughts on my future marriage.
a bored college student

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Mission "Impossible": Accomplished

I am hereby pleased to announce to the virtual assembly room that for the first year ever, I have achieved my lofty objective of not gaining a single ounce when all is said and done with Thanksgiving break.
Thank you, that is all. Please enjoy the refreshments on the banquet table at the back of the room.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I hope no one thought I was ungrateful because I failed to post my gratitude list on Facebook or elsewhere public. I am very grateful but felt like expressing it differently. I do think this time of year is a good milestone marker to make a list for others as well as myself for things that I appreciate in this fantastic life.
*no particular order
strawberry pie
adorable cousins
a roof over my head
relatives within driving distance who love me
a sister who appreciates my jokes
Amelia Bedelia books
Dr. Seuss books & quotes
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Mommy & Daddy
hair gel
modern bathrooms
friends who care
The Great Gatsby
Deseret Industries
alone time
a mostly-functioning computer
a semi-functioning phone :)
Jane Austen putting pen to paper
Brigham Young University
boys who become men when they take care of the women in their life
Mr. Peck's style of teaching
Ryan Gosling in The Notebook
Robert Downey Jr. in Ironman
Nana & Grandpere
Nani & Papa
Grandad Sonny & JuJu
Grandaddy and Grandmother Sandra
James Dean in East of Eden
Roald Dahl
Harry Potter
Coldstone's mint ice cream
conversations where you learn more about the other person and yourself
well-phrased sentences
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Argan oil
silver nail polish
my $8 black pants
my $5 Thanksgiving sweater
James Bond/Daniel Craig
door knobs
model homes
fancy bathrooms (I like bathrooms.)
a select few Daily Odd Compliments
blogspot <3
airplanes & airports
meaningful kisses
chocolate pie
my glasses
Zooey Deschanel
Gilmore Girls
my foam pillow
Anne of Green Gables
National Geographic
intelligent, observant, attractive,caring men
handwritten letters
my mission call to Tahiti
the Book of Mormon
vivid dreams

On that note, good night! xoxoxo Courtney Annette

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Wouldn't Trade My Life for Anyone Else's. Not Even Jenna Dewan-Tatum's.

I just got super pumped for Tahiti. I know it was inevitable, being Tahiti and all,  but I was pushed to the verge of excitement by a blog recommended by a new friend, Ana. This is the darling blog right here and I just read it in its entirety. I reallyreallyreally need to finish my Preach My Gospel outline for lesson 3 because it's PAST its due date and I'm still struggling to focus! I just have difficulty preparing a lesson for a grade, there's like this huge mental resistance because I know that once I get out in the mission field, I'll customize the lesson according to the needs of my investigator based on what they ask and how the Spirit directs me. I'M SURE IT'S INSPIRED TO HAVE THIS AS A MISSION PREP ASSIGNMENT. Ok, I should just admit that my work ethic is low for school right now. :) I ain't even mad!

Good night!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Snowball Fights. Snowball Fights Everywhere.

I finally tricked my computer charger into working so I have a short window of opportunity to catch up!

Friday: class at 10 (Will looked good, no surprise there), worked on my practice assignment and then had a homemade turkey avocado sandwich, class at 2 (turned in practice assignment, Will still looked great of course and I had reason to appreciate his appearance because he is the lab teacher), then hung out with Ricky for a few hours! Snowball fight number 1. I got to see part of the Fletcher building where Ricky works on stuff and there were a few nerds hanging out :) It was really cool. Then dinner of... something. (Did I have dinner?? Probably involved Nutella.) Then murder mystery date, dressed up as Bernadette Brown: a pyromaniac artist who is above it all & voted Most Likely To Hang (like in a museum, create a masterpiece). My date was Matt, he was cool and he went as a nerd who had recently become cool. Afterwards, snowball fight outside of the building, number 2. Matt drove me home, power was out in Alta so snowball fight number 3 commenced with a lot of wardies outside the apartments. Fun!

Saturday: woke up earlyyyy (730) to make plasma donation appt, didn't donate until 1 because systems were out (got paid an inconvenience fee!). Watched Back to the Future, James Bond: Casino Royale, and James Bond: Quantum of Solace. Got paid in cash!! Went home, had to change right into football event staff uniform to work at 3! Worked tailgate party (FUN). Snowball fight number 4. Ken got his truck and we stayed inside the warm car unless a car came, then we took turns hopping out and doing our job. The job was freaking cold. The game was great but one-sided, BYU won in a landslide. Pulled the "plasma" card to go home at 11 because I was too freaking cold and my job was helping in the disabilities section but no one needed any help, probably everyone with wheel chairs didn't want to risk the icy walkways. Got Cougar Cash to buy Freschetta pizza and pretzel M&Ms, awesome.

Rest of the night was a bit of a blur, but I think I went to bed at a decent time for Stake Conference the next morning!

xoxo Courty

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If School Is my Career, I Don't Have A Lot of Job Security.

So I guess this is a test to see if my parents read my blog. 

I missed three quizzes today. I don't know how else to say this, but I forgot it was Tuesday.

Strange, and I'm not sure if this is a self-defense mechanism, but I feel apathetic. Stressed yes, but I thought abut the response that someone would say who promotes the long-term perspective. I love learning but my grade doesn't usually reflect what I've learned, it reflects how well I have catered to the teacher's expectations. 

I also feel strangely unmotivated to be in journalism or politics. I feel as though my talent is in observation of people and phenomena. I don't need a degree to be a great journalist, the only thing I think I need is experience. School doesn't give you as much experience as it should. I'm learning too much in the classroom about stuff that I could EASILY learn on the job. 

I feel as though my real talent is in the real world. I have positive experiences from my interactions with strangers, with my internship of working in a real office environment and performing real jobs. I may not review my class notes every night when I come home, but I know how to work hard when given a meaningful task.

Your vote, your choice, your decision. Election 2012. I think Obama has this election. I voted for Romney because I think Obama has messed up this economy with radical measures. However, I think there is a chance that Obama's plans just need more time to manifest themselves. I do not believe in higher tax rates for the rich, that's a disincentive for people to succeed. 

We need to support the poor by creating jobs, not by giving them other people's money.

I foresee a reality check for both political parties, regardless of who wins. By the way, ironic that Missouri voted for a Mormon. :)

"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. Twain, Mark"

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Birthday Business

Now is a good time to express gratitude for people.
I know that every person in my life is there for a reason. The people I don't like are preparing me to deal with different personality types. The people I like help me aspire to be my best self.
My birthday stuff:
day before ~
lunch with Fran at the MOA
Cowboy Poetry with Kay, Cherie & others
day of ~
breakfast with Allie at Denny's
proposal helping with Connors, Andi, and Mikey
restaurant and business-hopping with Halers for free birthday stuff (dessert at California Pizza kitchen, sub at Firehouse Subs, dessert at Sizzler, balloon/crown/announcement over the manager walkie talkies, free doughnut at Krispy Kreme, and drink at Rubio's)
dinner at Panda Express with Halers (I really love you, Hale.)
henna with Hales
started watching Robin Hood: Men in Tights, then switched to watch part of Tron
scripture reading
day after~
birthday wishes at church (saw Alisa, Hailey and Wyatt from the Raintree meeting right before)
birthday shared with roomie Sam, open door with ward for pumpkin pie and cake at our apt
birthday song by ward acapella group

And that's the end of today. :)
I really really enjoy all of the small things as well as the big things. I have thoroughly appreciated the kind words and thoughts of everyone that have been sent my way, it is awesome to be 21!

School tomorrow, I ain't even mad.

love, Courtney

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pleasant People

I really really like meeting new people. I also enjoy etiquette. Therefore, it can be inferred that I thoroughly enjoyed the etiquette dinner tonight. Scrump-diddly-umptious.

I have had a blast for the past week. Hailey & Alisa + Other People, you guys are so fun. <3 <3

Birthday in 24 hours and 31 minutes!!! I really want it to be relaxed and casual, and so far, so good. Lunch tomorrow with Fran, Cowboy Poetry tomorrow night with Kay. <3

Also, Sandy is destructive. Be safe, East Coasters and don't underestimate Mother Nature. Praying for all of you.
