I just deleted every single text message from you. There were exactly 100 messages. It was great: I changed out of my date clothes and put on my white sweatshirt, listened to some Rascal Flatts and George Strait, cried a little, but it's done. It took me this long because I loved being able to sit on the bus or lie in bed and go through old texts and remember how I felt when I saw those texts and how much I cared about you. I'll always think about you when I listen to Tyler Ward, watch Up, or listen to someone talk about WoW, and for a thousand other reasons, but everything has changed and that's fine. I miss you but I'm tired of having to guess about everything.
For everyone's adoration: this music video and these lyrics are precious. Thank you.
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Well, I'm starting to feel a little dizzy from sleep deprivation so good night. <3 Charlie Alpha Charlie
For everyone's adoration: this music video and these lyrics are precious. Thank you.
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Btw, just got back from a date with Wags. We walked around Downtown Disney after I went to a ward activity called, "Where's Waldo?" Thanks Bryce for getting us the discount on Ghiradelli's Mint Bliss ice cream, mmmmmmm. So after walking around Planet Hollywood, Wags & I sat on a bench and talked. He told me he really liked me, WTH? I found out about his existence yesterday. Here are some things I know about him: he's really sweet, he's a hard worker, he's Haitian, he's worked at Disney for 18 months, he visited his family in Georgia in February, he considered joining the Navy, he's willing to "chase me" if I deploy to another part of the park. Omgz I'm too tired to even begin describing my thoughts about that last point. Anywho, he bought our movie tickets for Fast Five (Vinn Diesel), pretty good movie but too much sensuality & swearing. I'd rather watch Up, "South America! It's like America...but South." :) So he wants to hang out tomorrow but......I'll think about that tomorrow morning. He's a really decent guy & I appreciate that he asked me on a date, that's good. I just don't see a future in this, unfortunately.

P.S. I'm still a devout believer in true love. It's everywhere. And I love pictures of happy, adorable couples. <3
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