We just finished watching Cinderella at 11:59. Coincidence? I think not. We all peaced out after the movie as though everything would turn back into "pumpkins and mice". Classic Disney movies are so entertaining. Gus-Gus is one of my favorite characters, his chuckle-giggle is so funny!
I really really want to walk a marathon, any takers?
I made strawberry shortcake in a circular pan today so it was like a pancake, still delicious!
I fell in love with a job today: Plater for the Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party. This is: a party, to watch fireworks, with all-you-can-eat dessert that includes chocolate, fruit, and creme broulee. As a Plater, I got to put all of the delicate and scrumptious desserts on oblong plates & I shed a tear of joy at the beauty of my job at that moment. Aries, a girl I work with, & I kept saying over and over how much we loved our job. <3 I cannot think of a more perfect way to start a night. Because I will love him so much, my husband & I will come to Disney World. Because I love exquisite-looking desserts, we will go to the Fireworks Dessert Party.
Tomorrow I'm going to see African Cats, a Disneynature film, with Ariel, Dell, Ashley, and Jaime!! So flipping excited I can hardly wait. We're going to the 9 pm showing & beforehand Ashley is going to professionally face paint our faces to look like cats! Profile picture? I think there's an extremely high possibility.

Church today was lovely, I walked to church with a group of people and we had an awesome conversation about all the different types of dance we want to learn. I wore my Tortuga costume because I had come straight from work, but wore Toms that collected some sticker leaves that stuck to the fabric. When we got to church, Jaime and I arranged the leaves on my shoe to look like a court jester with a goatee. <3 She took a picture on her phone, of course. Daniel looked so trendy today, he is absolutely adorable. He's like a cute little kid who has a surprisingly spiffy sense of fashion. I love to observe him: when he talks he constantly has a smile that is magnified by the poufiness of his lips that almost seem to get in the way of his tongue as he speaks and seemingly overenunciates his words. So adorbz. He said the closing prayer today & I gave him a thumbs-up to say "Solid."
It's 12:34 right now. As in 1, 2, 3, 4. Probably at 56 seconds right now. As in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I know, it's pretty cool.

Ariel gets to bring home all of the things people leave in their hotel rooms like unopened bottles of water & Rice Krispie treats. She gave me a bottle of water & I'd forgotten how fresh bottled water tastes. The water from the faucets here in Florida taste like the smell of matches after you blow out the flame.
I saw Simon on the bus today, he looked at me several times but I can't tell if it's in a significant way or not. While I was reading a book, I heard a very strange, high-pitch voice singing the Cosmic Ray's birthday song. Because I worked there for the first few weeks, I turned my head and saw that it was Simon belting it out in falsetto at the back of the bus. He sang the whole song. The people with whom he was talking were laughing so hard & when we made eye contact I laughed also because he's just so darn cute. Hey you, date me.
So this other guy I work with, Cameron, asked me to go with him to the Magic Kingdom on my day off. He's pretty cute but has a somewhat feminine demeanor when he laughs. I kind of thought he was gay but he kept saying hi with a big smile whenever I walked past and seemed distressed when I wasn't sure. We shall see.
I miss my Russian boys: Max & Andrei.
I miss my RVA friends.
Did you know that if you take long, sleepy blinks with a smile it means "I love you" in cat? Fact.
I'm so excited for the purple sweatpants!!!!!! I am still looking for the perfect Peter Pan thing but I just haven't felt the magic yet for the things I've seen so far & it must be perfect.
I talked to Dad on the phone today, lovely chat Daddy.
Did you know that a dream is a wish your heart makes? Sweet dreams. <3 Courtney
You da, you da besssssst, you da you da best...