Tower of Terror. This name allures many thrill-seekers from all over the world, for me it conjured up feelings of distress. However, thanks to my roomies I finally rode it. I was a hot mess during the wait in line, while standing on the floor spots, sitting in the seats (we were front flipping row) and afterwards when I collapsed in a fit of giggles against the wall. I bought the picture because it PERFECTLY captured the terror that we experienced in that tower. Ok, here it is for your viewing pleasure:

Today was crazy in the best way possible. We woke up and went to Typhoon Lagoon where we rode all of the watercoasters and did everything there. The lazy river was awesome, I double-stacked my rafts for kicks & giggles but the cute lifeguard yelled and then shook cold water all over me from his waterbottle. :) He was pretty cool. All of us bought dainty rope anklets with aqua blue beads that symbolize "Romance" and apparently if the anklet falls off, it will come true. I tied mine on loosely. After Typhoon we came home, ate dinner, then went to Hollywood Studios. There was so much to do there!! Disney never ceases to amaze me with its magnitude and creativity. Hollywood Studios: Tower of Terror, Rockin' Rollercoaster (Aerosmith-themed, loved it), then Fantasmic (incredible water show that themed Fantasia, one of my all-time favorite childhood movies)!! Beforehand, Dell asked me to help her finish some of her mint ice-cream but I think the combination of crazy rides, intense sunshine, and sugar was a not-so-good idea. I was beyond loopy for the rest of the night, still feel a little tipsy. I was so light-headed I actually felt true love for the cotton-candy man. Story: I got up to go to the bathroom to ease my nausea and passed a fellow my age who was broad-shouldered and selling pink cotton candy.

He smiled as I passed, I smiled back, and felt a sudden urge to hug him. Fortunately the nausea won out for my attention, but on the way back I passed him again and actually had to cross my arms to discourage the impulse. I still don't fully understand what happened but I told my roommates to make sure I didn't go around hugging people. On the bus ride home, we met Patrick: a psychic comedian who was honestly one of the funniest people we've met here at Disney. He was intrigued by my unexplainable giggling fits, admitted that he had quite a bit of sugar that day himself, and proceeded to entertain us with various impersonations of Shaggy, the tour guide of the Zimbabwe safari, and other personas. All started because I asked him the time. He was a RIOT. Work tomorrow, it's going to be fun wearing a white polyester shirt with my sunburn. I'll be taking pain meds. Today was insane but as Robin Williams so skillfully said, "We are each given a spark of madness, we must never lose it." Hugs to all!!!! :) Court
Love this. Lol'ed a bunch of times. :)