9:15 - Woke up, Shower #1, packed my costume/sandwich/make up, and ate Banana Nut Cheerios for breakfast. I also ate a homemade Oreo cookie that Ariel made yesterday, yummy!
9:53 - I literally ran to the bus stop to make the 9:57 bus. Walking to the bus is a luxury I simply cannot afford.
10:00 - Simon (Columbian Ashton Kutcher) gets on the bus, and we're both really happy to see each other. We smiled & talked for a few minutes but we disrupted those around us trying to sleep so we both took a nap. He's adorable when he sleeps, just saying.
10:40 - Get changed in the locker room next to the princesses, we share a mirror for applying make-up. So fun. :)10:58 - Clock-in, get assigned to be a greeter. Put on a three-cornered pirate hat because it's fun

11-4 - Greet. Favorite job in the whole world, I stand at the front of the restaurant, smile & talk to thousands of people. People from several different countries took pictures with me. Fun, fun, fun.
4:30- A guy I work with tries to get my number after trying to convince everyone that I dated Jimmer Fredette. 5:03- Get off work, change into normal clothes (running shorts and a soft shirt). Mentally go through my schedule for the rest of the day on the bus ride home.
6:00- Get home, drink gallons of water, eat food. Food including another homemade Oreo cookie. Hi I'm Courtney and I'm a sugar addict. I've been clean for 5 hours. 6:05- P90X work out, get crazy sweaty but feel sooooo good! Shower #2, feel like I'm living Andi's life.
7:00- Text Wags that I just want to be friends.
8:00- Skype Caro. <3
10:30- Talk to Mommy on the phone where we discuss boys and their plan for visiting DW in August!!!
11:00- Blog it up/respond to Andrei's email. :)
11:30- Projected time for sleeping but will probs lose track of time on the computer until 11:41.
Have a magical night, people! xoxo Coco
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