Saturday, December 29, 2012

There is Always a Lot to Say.

We are all in the midst of the holiday season. There is a lot going on with all of us, I don't feel guilty in the slightest about taking a little time to pen my thoughts.

First of all, happy anniversary Mom and Dad! They are the reason I believe in true love, know what to expect from my husband, and my biggest cheerleaders for my life choices. Congratulations on 23 years of marriage and I love both of you like crazy cakes.

I'm feeling gluttonous of late, probably a sign of dehydration. I encourage all of you to drink extra water during this season, it will help your health in many ways.

For Christmas I got a lot of useful gift cards and some money, practical for my upcoming mission. I cannot wait for my mission to Tahiti! I have several items of clothing for Tahiti but the catch is that I'll need to pack winter clothes for my time in Provo UT MTC.

You know who I think is awesome? Jennifer Lawrence. She is beautiful (dime a dozen in Hollywood) but also really enjoys her life. And it's clear why: she has a great sense of humor and she realizes the value of being healthy (physically and mentally).

I may have met my soul mate. Possibly. I am a hopeless romantic so it's possible that I'm overdramatizing this, but I know that this person made me realize what a soul mate would be like. I don't know his name, but we talked on the airplane from Rochester to Cleveland. He goes to the Rochester Institute of Technology to study Optical Engineering. He is a blonde (not typically my type, I usually go for dark or foreign/exotic) but with a handsome face. I was not expecting to talk to him, we just threw around a few lackluster comments at the beginning of the flight and then I was planning on sleeping but we ended up talking the whole flight about really interesting things, almost hitting the highlights of our favorite thoughts. He doesn't like comedians who end up yelling to make something funny, he understands what I mean about Anne Hathaway's acting. He didn't agree for the sake of pleasantry, he actually meant it and further explained what I thought. He wasn't trying to make me like him and vice versa. I didn't have to explain things that didn't make sense when I said them, he knew what I meant. We talked about ideas and people. He is very intelligent. We talked intelligently. It was a beautiful thing. I have no idea what to do with this information other than save it here and remember how I felt like we'd known each other for a long time.

My parents are out to dinner and I'm in charge of my little sister Lindsay and she wants to look at pictures of dogs, so I must away. Per usual, lots more thoughts but it is what it is.

Au revoir, Court

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