Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nothing but Blue Skies: the Color Code

Au contraire, it is quite gray (grey) and overcast today but I feel happy of myself.

No, I'm not being super productive with my schoolwork. No, I haven't taken a shower today.

However, I am knocking out some quizzes & I took a shower last night! HAH for all you judgers out there.

Seriously, I would like to discuss the Color Code: Personality Test. This generation is obsessed with who they are, what their skills are, personal branding, all that sort of thing. Personality tests are yet another tool to craft identity. I would like to throw out the possibility that you are not just one personality. Not a completely original idea but I want you to fully realize the actual concept.

I'm going to let that settle for just a moment, marinate if you will.

This means that the reason personality tests don't completely describe you is because you most likely act differently in different situations and with different people. I am equally comprised of all four colors in the color code book. Not impossible, but more probable than you might have previously thought.

I was frustrated when I took the test and found myself not being able to give an answer I felt really got it more than the others. Is this true for you? I have also found that I self-analyze (not self-criticize or demean) more so than most people with whom I have talked. I have improved a lot of weak areas throughout my life. I believe that there is a balanced place that is a healthy mix of all the colors. I really am not egotistical. I simply have an honesty with myself about what I need to work on vs. my strengths. I can honestly say that I am almost at a place where I am versatile enough that I can be the best of different personalities, whichever best suits the situation. 

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