Thursday, March 31, 2011

So Much Love: People, Theatre and Mormon Messages

I am absolutely loving so much about my life! I experience an exponential increase of appreciation as each day passes for my university, BYU! Last night my sweatpantsista Celeste gave me tickets to see "Persuasion" in the Pardoe Theatre and it was theatrically and comedically spectacular. I am a hopeless romantic and so anything with Jane Austen and/or the 1800s thrills me! The cast was dynamic, the spinning stage was incredible, and the story was genuine. Celeste, Andi and I loved it, thanks for working at such an awesome job with these kinds of perks!! 
The past few days have been sprinkled with surprise encounters and moments which is always so much fun. I have never been one for strict, predictable schedules so I'm loving the stark differentiation between every day this week! Thanks to Andi, I have come to realize that the library is the ultimate social hotspot and studying does not even suffer, it is a complementary activity! The best-kept secret at BYU: the Asian Collection section. <3
Caro, it's been lovely catching up the past few days about our lives & other significant subjects. I always appreciate our in-depth analyses and social commentary! And trust me, Diary of A Wimpy Kid is actually a pretty cute movie so I'm sure all will go will with your little duckling mentees. (that's the visual I get whenever you bring it up) Can't wait for lunch tomorrow, I'm craving some L&T so brace yourself for that line now. :)
In addition to loving the humble superiority of BYU, I am also in love with Mormon Messages. (I heard that groan, Jerry, sorry) I mostly like that they're short but captivating from beginning to end. Just a few minutes, but thought-provoking enough to ponder for a few days. Enjoy :)

Come What May, and Love It

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crunch Time

Inspired by my lovely Andi to share a few thoughts on my bloggie. <3 Right now I'm in a cubicle of the Asian Section so I can really focus on this paper that's due later today in class at 4 grrrr, I don't mess around when I want to procratsinate! But it's all good because I've got my fruit snacks to keep me awake & lively:

Andi is my baby girl here at BYU and I love her oh so much! We had a heart-to-heart that was 100% worth the sleep deprivation. Nothing relieves stress & anxiety better than a warm & fuzzy conversation on a carpet ledge in a dorm stairwell! It is so much fun hanging out with you missy, especially our epic Cannon Center adventures and our library encounters! You make me laugh so much, it must be because I have an Asian soul. It is so lovely having really good friends that I can talk to about anything! And also it is rather handy having someone else with a radar for BANANA SPLITS!! ;)

Goodness, I am so glad that I had awesome AP classes in high school because they have really come in handy here at college when I don't feel like studying! Enjoy the slightly overcast day today everyone at BYU, please, for the love of leather, wear your rainjackets. <3

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book of Mormon: You Can Own the Whole of Your Seat but You Only Need the Edge!

I have made an inexplicably exciting discovery. The Book of Mormon can actually be a page-turner. I'M SERIOUS. I've been studying for my test that I'm taking tomorrow and I'm conducting an experiment where I study for me, not for the test (this has Caroline concerned) and I was just reading through/underlining important words & phrases when I experienced this moment of true excitement.
So I was studying in the Asian Collection section because I'm sort of obsessed with Asians (no joke) so I figured I would have good study vibes (true) and I came to a part about the Gadianton robbers. The battle between the Gadianton robbers and the Nephites was epicly intense with a huge buildup describing how the Gadianton robbers laid in wait in the mountains & secret places until they were numerous enough to attack (scary image) and when I read about the letter from Giddianhi to Lachoneus, I was ACTUALLY on the edge of my seat! Call me a dork but the BOM is actually one of my favorite books :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky I Am?

One of my favorite books ever is (you guessed it) by Dr. Seuss called "Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?"
Why am I so obsessed with Dr. Seuss? Maybe it's because I love simple logic and layered meaning. Idk.
And I have just been thinking recently about how LUCKY I have always been. I don't know why or how exactly, but I am occasionally overwhelmed slightly with how much fun my life is and how I'm exactly where I want to be in my life. (Almost, there are a few people who I wish played a bigger role.)
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the people in my life, I love many of you and I learn from all of you. I've been conducting a self-experiment where I really try and listen instead of talk so if I seem quiet, just understand that I'm taking a cue from Michel de Montaigne, not unhappy just observing more. :)
I wish I had the capability to account for every person that is another fascinating dimension of my day but I do not. Therefore, the simplest way is to just give a BIG VIRTUAL SHOUT OUT to all o' y'all!! <3
This was a very shallow post, know that my feelings are deeper, but I'm focusing more on other things right now so I'll sort out my thoughts later. :P

Advice of the Day: Read some Dr. Seuss for your own enjoyment and intellect & then go buy some Toms shoes to spruce up your footwear collection and contribute towards helping a child in Africa.
Have a perfect day!

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Lessthanthree Dr. Seuss

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
-Dr. Seuss

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

you are bursting with talent and potential so you are teased a lot out of jealousy of your good looks and sensitive nature which girls find adorable but guys resent because they know how much girls love it and they want to make themselves feel better so they rationalize that if they can get you down then they will be more equal with you and i wish i could say this to you in person but im in a delicate balance right now between missing you and loving that you're happy which both unfortunately prevent me from expressing myself out loud and even this is not the eloquent way in which i wished to communicate, but writing it down for now is better than keeping these thoughts to myself.
p.s. stop being so adorable all the time, i mean it.