Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Am a "Dreamy Idealist"

I, Courtney, hereby freely admit of my own free will that I pursue freedom of spirit by having a free mind.

I am a huge nerd for personality tests. This is mainly because my answers used to change all the time (and I still change things frequently) but I'm finally starting to see some core trends. There are a few tests that are dumb but I highly recommend you take this one: Jung and Brigg Myers Personality Test and 41 Questions. 1 Personality.

I urge you to find meaning in your life by being a little more introspective.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." ~Socrates

If you're interested: My Personality Results

lotsa love xoxo Coco

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Insomnia, It's a New Thing For Me.

So I don't believe in/think about aliens and UFOs as a significant portion of my thoughts, but it would be a plausible explanation for the craziness outside my window that woke me up around 130 this morning. Sounded like a helicopter, lots of light, stayed for about 20 seconds and then when I got up to check it out, I pulled the curtains aside and it was gone. Since I live in an upscale suburban neighborhood, I'm not sure what other possible explanations there can be.

After going to the zoo yesterday in arctic temperatures (animals we saw were cute, but many were hibernating or something) I took a 2 hour nap and it slightly messed up my sleeping pattern. I read "An Abundance of Katherines" (is that the title?) by John Green (who I freaking love as an author) until 12ish. His books honestly capture what I love about reading: unique, believable characters who have credible issues that are not easily solvable. So anywho, woke up at 1245 to take my labradoodle puppy outside to pee, possible alien contact at 130, the house "settling" was eerily loud (possible intruders), then waking up at 420 to drive my dad to the airport. I've had a rough night/early morning.

P.S. I have another blog for my upcoming church mission to Tahiti at Tahiti Papiti, feel free to check it out if you're at a loss for more internet intrigue.

So anywho, thoughts about life: the unexamined life is not worth living, happiness and MEANING are what people want from life, it's easy to make people care about you if you take a genuine interest in them, it's okay to be a hopeless romantic as long as you don't forget reality. Remember that guy who rocked my world from the airplane flight? Remember how I told you that he went to Rochester Institute of Technology? It turns out that it is pretty close to the airport so when I saw the exit for that school, I almost caused a car accident by abruptly turning off the highway. (Not really, it was only like me and two other cars on the road, but it was a pretty sharp turn all the same.) The Rochester Institute of Technology must be pretty cool in the day time, but at night it was just kind of boring and I almost got lost trying to get around campus. It's highly prestigious so I do plan on visiting again.

I'm officially going to write a few books. I plan on writing a few "religious" books where I talk about religious beliefs in a very conversational way with relevant stories and insights. Possible title: "This is Why" or "What is so Bad about Being Good?". Also, I want to write a book about social dynamics, a book called "spectrum of love" where I talk about guys in my life (different names will be used of course) and analyze what worked and what didn't. I will have to be super professional and intelligent about doing that, but I think there are a LOT of insights I could offer to people in similar circumstances. It's similar to the delightful shock we crave from Taylor Swift songs: kind of rough that we know her men's flaws, but people seriously relate and learn from her lyrics. Adele also.

I'm working at the Palmyra Temple from 830-1 and there is a possibility of collapsing from exhaustion but it has been quite an eventful night and I flipping love reading and thinking about my future books. I had a lot of insights and observations about life last night that I'm too tired to recall at this point, but will post when they resurface.

P.S. I love learning French, c'est tres amusante.
P.S.S. I have the mind of an 80-year-old woman, but I have to admit that I love getting a lot of sleep.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Four Degrees Fahrenheit

That's how cold it is in 84604 aka Provo, Utah. My sympathies to you lovely people.

Myself? So cold in upstate New York that I took a time-out halfway through the day and curled up on the couch for a few hours while reading the Happiness Project. (read it if you see it).

This is a lazy post, only read if you are feeling laxadaisical or else you might be irritated at the pace.

So it has been officially a week since BYU Winter Semester started and I have not been attending, which has strangely not been weird. About 3 weeks before I go into the Missionary Training Center and I am ready. I got a watch today so that was bascially my last necessity, so now I'm good to go. But really, I got an international driver's license today (no test, a little worrisome) so I guess I can go drive in India now if need be.

For all male inquirers wondering about my domestic skill set, I made the Perfect Banana Bread yesterday. Unfortunately you will have to wait about 18 months to pursue me.

Our fence is almost done being built and I made a supreme pizza. I watched Cake Boss and finished my 6th vision board. I visited the bird store and did some laundry.

I legitimately have not been bored with being at home. It. is. wonderful. I have to earn my keep by walking our adorable puppy and babysitting my cute little sister.  I get Netflix and I don't have to do any homework. Life is good, people. I think I'm enjoying it too much actually, would you all judge me if I dropped out of school to write a few books?

I plan on dedicating 3 solid days to immersing myself in the politics of America. I will go through all major news networks and read at least one article from each one, should be interesting.

I hope everyone else in the world is doing splendidly, I am amazed that I have people from all over the world who read my blog pretty frequently. Thank you!!

This is what I see on my statistics page:
United States
United Kingdom

It is mind-blowing and so very cool.
Good night, off to read some more of my book!
love, Courtney

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Secret: Documentary

I consider myself pretty lucky, good things happen to me all the time. I realized after watching this documentary that I had been practicing The Secret, without even knowing it.

Worth a watch, thought-provoking if nothing else. Heads-up, some of the acting is uber cheesy. :)
The Secret (first 20 minutes)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Society is Sick and Needs a Cure.

Agenda for today: go to the market, scrapbook with the family, stay warm, watch The Secret documentary.

I have been giving some thought to the recent news reports involving shooters. I have come to the conclusion that everyone should read the short article "Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Wolves." Guns are not the problem. The problem is the culture of violence that has been glorified in Hollywood and the psychological problems that exist in society. Our society is sick. I'm not trying to be over-religious but I want to pose an idea: a lot of these problems could be solved if people had stable family lives. The teachings of my church ( and have a heavy emphasis on the importance of the role family plays in shaping our character.

I'm serious. There are many psychological disorders that are genetic and/or unavoidable but for the other cases, most of them had some kind of serious family dysfunction. I think that it is so important for people to recognize that people are delicate and should be given positive role models at a young age. Otherwise, people create role models out of violent characters.

Also, stop releasing the name(s) of the shooters. There is a small part of every person that wants to be important. For some people, committing a heinous crime is a way to achieve that. If they don't become an infamous celebrity, at least some of the appeal is taken away from committing these acts. My very deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families. I am especially troubled by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary because children are so innocent. I ask that as a society we take a few seconds to think about the most important things in life and take care of the people we care about because the world is getting a little crazy.

Also, I may get a gun. Guns are not the problem, people are the problem. Lives can be saved if they are being protected.