Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Tiny Break" #1623893

I am taking my eleven-hundredth-million "tiny" break today from the beast that is Poli Sci 200 and thought I would write.
When I signed in, it showed some data of my blogs and said this blog has been viewed 10,350ish times. Dang. Who are all of you people? I'm super flattered. Maybe I just have a dedicated stalker, in that case, hi again.
So when I get deep in the zone of studying, I become a slightly different person. I find myself behaving somewhat like a cat: craving a glass of milk, eating tuna out of the can (with a fork though), and taking cat naps.
I have like 10 pages left of this thing. I am writing about the government structures of India and China and their enforcement of environmental policies and the effect of this on business. I have possibly over-stretched myself on this one. I made myself laugh earlier when I realized what a seriously big and complex topic this was and I said, "I am dealing with some big fish here!" Then I had a silent laugh about it. In case you were wondering, no I haven't been outside at all today.
I weirdly enjoy difficult classes but in this situation, it is really a blow to the ego because I have to look up every tiny detail because I am just not an expert on these two countries. Whatsoever.
As a side note, Romney has my vote. If you feel like this warrants a "delete" on Facebook, I understand that you felt like you had to do that. I just really don't think Obama knows how to do math very well and Romney used to be weirdish but he is actually very intelligent and pretty darn funny sometimes. (Al Smith dinner)
I like how my hair looks right now, it naturally went into a chic ponytail. Like, I have woken up early on school days to achieve this look with very little success and now that I am imprisoned by homework, my hair bounced right into place. Miley Cyrus hair: can't be tamed.
Feeling pretty good about my life, going to Tahiti on a mission, in case you hadn't heard! I am absolutely romantically thrilled with the opportunity to learn TWO languages: Tahitian and French. My mission call says Tahitian, but I have spoken with many people and French is apparently just as common. Yay!!
On several "tiny breaks" I have practiced my French and my accent is pretty good, I think. I just need more vocabulary. There are only so many times you can say "Je ne parle pas francais mais j'adore paris! in an impeccable accent before you grow weary.
Ok time for my orange jell-o (dinner), it is 5:01 which means I met my goal to not eat it until after 5:00.
Au revoir! A bientot!
amor, Courtney

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