Friday, September 28, 2012

Advice for Life

Just a few thoughts for the world, not everyone needs this but I have observed a few things during my time on this planet that have worked for me.

1. Never make a weird association with someone's name. They have to live with their name after you finish talking, that stuff bothers people regardless of who you are. (same concept true for pointing out oddities with their body or personality)
2. Never criticize a person who has a crush on your friend. Especially not to your friend. No one wants to think that losers like them.
3. Attractive and sensitive people tend to get teased more than their fair share. I hesitate to say this but I really think that there is a weird phenomena of not letting people know they're attractive because you worry that they won't want to be associated with you anymore. Attractive people, acknowledge this and don't take it so hard next time. 
4. When you're in an unpleasant situation, don't waste time wishing you were somewhere else. You can actually train your mind to not imagine "I wish I was... instead." Be in the moment and make the best of it you can, learn something from it. 
5. If you really care about someone who is no longer in your life, you might have some unanswered questions. Ask them as soon as possible. Trying to explain things with your imagination will drive you crazy. (note to self)
6. Don't carry on a friendship if it starts tainting your positive memories with that person. Be there for that person when they go through something difficult but know when it's bringing you down as well. Hang on to the good memories. 
7. Don't have a crush on your TA in a really difficult class like Political Science. It makes assignments that much more stressful because you know that person will be grading it. Just don't put yourself through that. 
8. Be nice to your family randomly. It makes life so fun to get a random text or call the moment someone thinks about you or misses you. This works for friends also, but make sure family is a priority. 
9. Never assume you can make a quick trip to the library or whatever and dress accordingly. YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE YOU LIKE. 
10. It's okay to be in awe of your friends sometimes. Appreciate when someone lets you in your life, even if just for a few minutes, they didn't have to do that.