Monday, October 29, 2012

Please Do Not Be Offended if You Fall in this Category

I have been in a funky mood for most of the afternoon but I am in a good place right now. So this will be an observation rather than a rant.
Provo Culture: a culture of Happy Valley in which ecstatic joy is the default emotion and people are exceptionally kind. HOWEVER there is judgment, hypocrisy, ditziness, superficiality, predictable conversation, and relatively insignificant hardships.
I say this out of love. Tough love.
There is an extraordinary amount of sameness about most people which I find myself slipping into. I want to quit school, travel somewhere far away, and write my soul out.
So I'm doing the next best, socially-acceptable, selfless thing- going on a mission to Tahiti. And I am so happy. (Did I mention how excited I am to get to know the beautiful people of Tahiti? I'm going to be so much better for this mission because I will be completely outwardly-focused for so long.)
It's high time for a break from P-town. I am thoroughly in love with the mountains, several people (you know who you are), and my school but sometimes the "culture" drives me up a wall.
These people are mostly good, sweet people. They are not all like this all of the time. I just wish people would be real more often.
I know you're supposed to "be happier than you feel" and I get that, but sometimes my eyes water because the squeal-talking is so high-pitched. This is not a joke.
I consider myself one of the happiest people on this planet but I don't feel the need to be excited about every single thing all the time. That's just not sane.
I sincerely hope that my opinion is taken in moderation with what you know about me as a person and with an understanding that I come from a very different place in life. I just simply could not abide living like this for the rest of my life.
I believe too much personal growth and progress is stunted here in a chronic attempt to be loved and adored rather than risk putting yourself out there by saying how you really feel and having a real response to various stimuli.

I was told earlier tonight about a guy who is really intriguing who dropped out of school and I actually admire  that honesty to yourself.

No Mom and Dad, I would never drop out of school permanently. But I would definitely take a break from this crazy town.
Provo, it's a love-hate thing. But for now, peace and love.

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