Friday, July 8, 2011

Closest I've Ever Come to a "Bad Day": The Formula

First of all, there were quite a few good moments today! But here's the series of unfortunate events, in a math equation (fitting, because I'm not a huge fan of math unless it's Algebra):

SO tired from 4.5 hours of sleep (for one of the funniest nights ever, no regrets) + 12-hour shift + counter (least favorite job) at TLT for 11 hours because Tortuga was slow + Brazillian tour groups (250+250+1300 people who tried to speak Portuguese to me, resulted in a 3 hour game of Charades basically) + super dehydrated + found out guy I had a mild crush on is 18 + lost my housing ID/Disney ID/credit card/ton of cash/house key --> security guy, Yoo, almost didn't let me in to my housing complex = GRRRRRR now I have to get up EVEN EARLIER to go to security to MAYBE find my stuff (if not: pay a ton of cash for a new ID/change my credit card/lose all that cash.

I should go to sleep because I have to wake up in 7 hours.

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