Friday, July 15, 2011

Bellatrix on a Budget: Final Harry Potter Movie

The last movie was true to form: emotional, involved panting on Harry's part, a few awkward moments (Ginny & Harry's kiss), and a lot of action-driven plot. :) I really like Ron & Hermione the most. Followed closely by the Weasley family and Draco Malfoy, in terms of character endearment and appreciation.
I've been awake for 21.5 hours so it's a blooming miracle I can type at all, just thought I would get these few thoughts down!
Basically going to be super lazy & reblog these from Haler's tumblr because, let's be honest, she's got good HP material.

Uhhh meant to publish this 12 hours ago, when I got back from the premiere... Well here it is! :)

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