I'm supposed to be in my Creativity & Innovation class right now.
However, I went to bed at 2:30 AM for a variety of fun reasons (dinner party, being scared to death on various occasions by crazy boys, movie, late-night chats in ma appartment with some awesome people) & waking up at 7 to do my homework and then go to a 4-hour class was just not an enticing option. Being the dedicated student I am though, I set my alarm. It just never went off! SO, plan for that time block: p90x, laundry, clean room, CHILL. Then Magic Kingdom with Daniel & Paul, followed by Hollywood Studios for a WHILE, followed by a date with Cameron. MLIFun, i know.
I've been trying to search for a good southern accent on Youtube but it's kind of a risky search item apparently however I need to convey how deeply-repulsed I have been by this one guy at work. First of all: I am a Southern girl, nothing against the accent (when it's cute) but when you don't speak quickly, my mind wanders. There's this tall, skinny, brown-haired guy at work from... Texas? He has big round glasses, a perpetually-gaping mouth, and big lips that are CONSTANTLY covered with a thick layer of spit. UGH. And he doesn't have a very appropriate sense of personal bubble space, he likes to lean over you practically when he slurs around some words about needing time off work because his "Grandma, and papaw, and cousins, and aunts, and uncles, and the kiddies" are coming for a visit. I really will have to make a video myself because he is one of the biggest caricatures I have met in a long time. When people fulfill a stereotype PERFECTLY, it fascinates & confuses me. Have they never seen a movie where Southerners are portrayed this way? Do they laugh at that humor? Do they think that is normal? It baffles me, you might say.
Enough about him, I'm being judgemental. On to more exciting things, like bad boys. ;) Jk, I'm not going to do anything reckless but there is this guy in my life who I'm excited about. He was wearing the wrong nametag when I first saw him so I thought he was the guy my friend had a crush on so I tried not to give anybody any ideas. The first time we talked: he came up and started singing songs, narrating what I was doing. :) "What's your name? Courtneyyyy scoops pasta in a bowlllll and it looks really delicioussssssss lucky for the guestssssss! She picks up a bowl with her left handddddd and gives me an incredulous loookkkkk and now she's smilingggggg, maybe she thinks I'm kinda cuuuuuuuuuute." Something along those lines. It would have been annoying if he wasn't so cute. Then he offered to do a back-flip, if it would impress me. All of this was closely followed by his friend asking me if I thought Nick was good-looking, because he thought Nick had a gorgeous face. I turned to my other side where Nick was standing and informed him that Robert thought he had a gorgeous face. He has an adorable laugh & smile combo.
The interesting thing: the girls were all giggly around Nick and then when they saw Nick keep coming back to say something, they formed a tribal circle around me & told me to be careful because Nick was "creepy." Interesting turn of events.
Long story short: next day after work, I was in the Costuming building after working with Nick all day & getting worried that I was starting to like him (still thought he was the guy my friend liked). I ran into Nick while on the phone with Daddy-o and he said, "What are you doing after this? Want to hang out?" I told him I was going to a pool party (FHE) and he could come. He was all for it, in a chill way. So he drove me home to Chatham. What I really really like about this whole thing was that I was totally myself (dorky) and it was like our friendship started in the middle of a conversation, no formal build-up into being friends. Caro and I have discussed this. Love ittttt. I discovered a Wolverine visor on the floor & when I wore it, he suggested I keep it. He told me that I seemed really cool & he likes that I wear glasses haha. Did I mention that he's really really cute visually?? So we went back to my appartment and he chilled in the living room with a bunch of people who came over, while I took a shower. He asked for a shirt so he wore my super-soft blue shirt and even after saying that I slept in it the night before, he still wanted to wear it. I should mention, he has a girlfriend. Which is not a big deal, I'm not really thinking about dating him as much as I just love spending time with him. But he kept bringing up how he doesn't know what to do because she's 2,000 miles away and he wants to call her all the time but he doesn't want to seem needy even though he really is. Isn't that adorably honest? Who isn't needy? We all need something. He said all of this factually while he drove, looking through the windshield. He is so chill: he offered to let me drive his car because I miss driving so much, we yelled Kelly Clarkson's songs on the radio, we had a crazy dance party to Fireflies by Owl City in the car, he had a splash competition at the pool and I was the judge.
Nick called me 15 minutes after he dropped me off and I quote: "Courtney! So, what are the restrictions on this shirt? Would you be okay if I kept it for like a week? Because it smells like really really good." He wasn't over-eager whatsoever, and he's beyond straight. He is one of the most intriguing people I have ever met. Everything was perfectly casual & so much flipping fun. I have no idea where this will go but I'm not fussed at all, I just want to hang out with him and subtly be a good influence on him. Subtlety is my strong point. I really should get a move-on with my fun activities today. :) Loved skyping with my best girl, Caro last night!! Love you girl. And shout out to my skype with the lovely & fabulous Andrea & Parker on Sunday night after my 13-hour shift. You guys are awesome! :) TTFN, Courtney C.
P.S. If you can follow my thought process, kudos to you.
However, I went to bed at 2:30 AM for a variety of fun reasons (dinner party, being scared to death on various occasions by crazy boys, movie, late-night chats in ma appartment with some awesome people) & waking up at 7 to do my homework and then go to a 4-hour class was just not an enticing option. Being the dedicated student I am though, I set my alarm. It just never went off! SO, plan for that time block: p90x, laundry, clean room, CHILL. Then Magic Kingdom with Daniel & Paul, followed by Hollywood Studios for a WHILE, followed by a date with Cameron. MLIFun, i know.
I've been trying to search for a good southern accent on Youtube but it's kind of a risky search item apparently however I need to convey how deeply-repulsed I have been by this one guy at work. First of all: I am a Southern girl, nothing against the accent (when it's cute) but when you don't speak quickly, my mind wanders. There's this tall, skinny, brown-haired guy at work from... Texas? He has big round glasses, a perpetually-gaping mouth, and big lips that are CONSTANTLY covered with a thick layer of spit. UGH. And he doesn't have a very appropriate sense of personal bubble space, he likes to lean over you practically when he slurs around some words about needing time off work because his "Grandma, and papaw, and cousins, and aunts, and uncles, and the kiddies" are coming for a visit. I really will have to make a video myself because he is one of the biggest caricatures I have met in a long time. When people fulfill a stereotype PERFECTLY, it fascinates & confuses me. Have they never seen a movie where Southerners are portrayed this way? Do they laugh at that humor? Do they think that is normal? It baffles me, you might say.
Enough about him, I'm being judgemental. On to more exciting things, like bad boys. ;) Jk, I'm not going to do anything reckless but there is this guy in my life who I'm excited about. He was wearing the wrong nametag when I first saw him so I thought he was the guy my friend had a crush on so I tried not to give anybody any ideas. The first time we talked: he came up and started singing songs, narrating what I was doing. :) "What's your name? Courtneyyyy scoops pasta in a bowlllll and it looks really delicioussssssss lucky for the guestssssss! She picks up a bowl with her left handddddd and gives me an incredulous loookkkkk and now she's smilingggggg, maybe she thinks I'm kinda cuuuuuuuuuute." Something along those lines. It would have been annoying if he wasn't so cute. Then he offered to do a back-flip, if it would impress me. All of this was closely followed by his friend asking me if I thought Nick was good-looking, because he thought Nick had a gorgeous face. I turned to my other side where Nick was standing and informed him that Robert thought he had a gorgeous face. He has an adorable laugh & smile combo.
The interesting thing: the girls were all giggly around Nick and then when they saw Nick keep coming back to say something, they formed a tribal circle around me & told me to be careful because Nick was "creepy." Interesting turn of events.

He is so not mormon: he smokes cigarettes & weed, he swears, he's a dedicated boyfriend but he asked for my advice about "getting with" this Latino girl. I told him straight up, that's not what a good boyfriend does & he respected my opinion. So there you have it: both sides of Nicholas. There are SO many details about when we hung out but they cannot be posted or this would be far & away my longest post ever. We have the same sense of observational humor so we were both highly-amused by each other's comments the entire night. Interesting: when we were in the hot tub with a bunch of other people, I took my glasses off and when I put them back on, he was smiling at me with one of the most adorable smiles I have EVER seen. For no apparent reason. :) He seemed more comfortable when I was around, but he wasn't shy at all about talking to people and everyone really likes him. Did I mention that he looked REALLY good in my blue shirt?? It was super tight on him (but that was beyond okie dokie with me) and smelled of my body wash but he kept saying how much he liked the way it smelled. He had a flipping six-pack but he's one of those guys who NEVER works out. After we hung out, I went on a Wal-Mart trip with a group, then back to Tabitha's house for chocolate truffles and "She's The Man" with a few more people!

P.S. If you can follow my thought process, kudos to you.
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