My best friend Halers posted a song on my Facebook wall by one of my favorite artists of all time- Michael Buble. The song is "Home" and deeply resonates with me right now. Last night I had a comical dream that I spent all day with my cats Kittyhawk and Angel and someone put us on a rollercoaster so of course my cats were freaking out and I spent the whole dream trying to hang onto them lol.
It was crazy and funny but when I woke up I realized that it was a dream and pretty Angel is no longer here.
I don't know why it's been so hard, but I've been missing having my pets. It was a pain to have to take care of the litterbox before I left the house & I was always spraying Febreeze but my pets are some of my best friends because they are non-judgmental listeners. And now it just hit me that I've lost one of my best friends. I'm not trying to sound like I like cats more than people but I just really miss the homeness of having pets. I really want to get a beta fish but my roommates aren't so sure how that would work out if there was a random appartment inspection so I refrain.

I miss my family so much, especially with Father's Day this upcoming weekend. I miss being home and getting to share my life with these amazing people whose love I unconditionally receive and with whom I have travelled around the world. No family is perfect but my family is perfect to me right now. I love you all so much and I'm counting down the days until I see you. <3 C. Carter
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