Thursday, July 9, 2015

Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman.

Welp, 7 months is a relatively short amount of time. Not long after my previous post, Regan proposed to me and we have now been married for 2 months! Marriage is intense. Also intensely good.

I have strong religious beliefs that affect every facet and detail of my life. I have thrived and lived an abundant life by respecting the principles of my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This church is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, as the son of God.

Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is legal in all 50 states. I've known that this would eventually happen because our country has been chomping at the bit to liberalize as much as possible. I believe that everyone has the ability to choose, however it does not mean that all choices are right choices. There are natural laws that cannot be minimized or ignored. If there is a "no swimming" sign on a beach with a shark problem, you have some choices. That means that one of those choices could cause serious pain or death.

Marriage between a man and a woman is a divinely-designed institution. Our culture is obsessed with sex. The basic principle is that sex is good. We just need to be protective of it to enjoy it fully, without reserve or suspicion of abandonment. Sex unifies people physically, but it's emotional and mental as well. It's another form of communication, a way to experience joy together. I'm not just in favor of people being "happy", I'm in favor of them being happiest.

Marriage is also not supposed to be only a legalized best friendship. It's bigger than that. You can deeply love someone, I have many friends like that. It doesn't mean I want to marry them. The point of marriage is to raise children in an environment that allows children to learn and grow. Men and women are intentionally made to be different and have different roles. If both parents worked all the time, children would not get their much-needed interaction. If neither parents worked, children would not learn the value of hard work, a skill needed to gain an education and be independent.

Marriage is about a partnership based on love and an understanding that we're not just here to do what we want to do. We're here to have responsibilities that force us to push ourselves past the point of personal desire. I have never been so happy in my entire life as when I'm working hard at school and at my job and come home and do things to make Regan happy. He does the same thing.

A grandpa and his grandson were flying a kite. The wind was strong and the kite flew higher and higher until it came to the end of the spool of string. The kite pulled and tugged, back and forth in the sky, but was restricted from going higher up. "Can I cut the string so it can keep going higher?" "Try it." The boy cut the string. The kite hovered in place for a few seconds and then fell back to the ground. The string provided the necessary air resistance to keep the kite at its highest point.

xoxo, Courtney

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