We live in a tough world. It seems like a full-time job trying to balance between "putting myself out there" versus "staying in my comfort zone" of people who are always gentle with me. AKA my husband.
Stretch yourself, relax a bit, stretch, relax.

Sometimes just staying in our cute apartment and watching Human Planet seems safer and more exciting than the prospect of going to work. Going out into the harsh world of call centers. Customer service call centers are places where you meet the sweetest but also the most illogical people, mainly because stress can bring out the best and worst in people. No one ever calls a call center just to drop a compliment like "Just wanted to let you know, everything is working perfectly and I love the website!". It has happened once before and it absolutely overwhelmed me with how much that affected me. I have respect for anyone who has ever worked for a call center. Call centers are not for the faint-hearted. Remember, we are trying to help fix a problem we didn't even know existed for you before you told us about it.

Everyone goes through challenging situations, that is life. Challenging stuff is ESSENTIAL to growth. That's why momma birds push their babies out of the nest, they've got to fly at some point. That's why school happens. That's why the lid on the Nutella jar is sometimes not coming off very easily. You can't be considered a truly strong person unless you've been tested. Muscles don't get stronger without work. When you work out, you TEAR your muscles and they regrow stronger.
This video talks about a pretty basic message- no bullying. I'm adding: no name-calling, no dismissive attitude, no avoidance, no intentionally posting embarrassing photos of others, no interrupting, and no threats. Everyone is dealing with something difficult. Including me. Including you. THAT'S HOW LIFE IS. Remember this and don't forget it.
Fragile- LDS Youth Message
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