Les Miserables is playing on the projector, thrown against the far wall. It's Utah dry heat in my Wymount apartment, but the tower fan is faithfully whirring. I'm sitting on a heather gray couch and I'm thinking about how sacred our lives are.
Currently phoneless, My Facebook home feed just informed me that the beautiful and strong Sarah Chytraus passed away. Some time between last night and today. She experienced a brain aneurysm. I looked it up, brain aneurysms don't have symptoms. It's when blood passes through a bulging, weak artery.
Life is about making memories and doing things that outlast rust, dust, wear, and tear.
Sarah is a beautiful soul. She struggled, as we all struggle from time to time. We were missionaries together in Tahiti for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and one morning we decided to run but she's tiny and perfect and I suggested we stay close to the house. Just in case. We ran up and down the street that was maybe 50 feet long. She kept running and running, I was struggling so I switched over to ab workouts. Another experience: we sat in the car and talked for a while after a missionary lesson. She and I discussed a few things that were very important to her. She was open and honest and to be honest, I was overwhelmed with her willingness to share it with me even though we were not exceptionally close. That's what I knew of Sarah: beauty, deep emotions, strong work ethic, candid, and sensitive.
Sometimes lives are lost without any public recognition. People I do not know have died. During my lifetime. Millions and billions of people. I believe that God is our Heavenly Father who loves and watches over every. single. child.
What is a life? A time to enjoy the good things that God has given us, which we can access if we put in the necessary time and effort. There once was a man who wanted to travel the world so he bought a cruise boat ticket. The boat sailed around the world and he saw glimpses of it through the tiny peephole in his cabin. Greece, Spain, Sweden. He ate canned beans in his cabin and washed his clothes in the tiny sink. Morocco, South Africa, India. He heard dancing on the main deck above him, and he wished to join but he was trying to be frugal and did not want to spend money and effort to participate. Japan, Korea, Tahiti. At the end of the trip, he checked out of his cabin when he noticed that his ticket had included everything on board.
Do not live minimally. Sarah Chytraus lived a beautiful life. She cares deeply about her family and friends. Her mortal life has come to a close and she is continuing to share and strengthen her testimony on the other side of the veil.
Your Potential, Your Privileges
Live an abundant life. We love you Sarah.
So much love,

Life is about making memories and doing things that outlast rust, dust, wear, and tear.
Sarah is a beautiful soul. She struggled, as we all struggle from time to time. We were missionaries together in Tahiti for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and one morning we decided to run but she's tiny and perfect and I suggested we stay close to the house. Just in case. We ran up and down the street that was maybe 50 feet long. She kept running and running, I was struggling so I switched over to ab workouts. Another experience: we sat in the car and talked for a while after a missionary lesson. She and I discussed a few things that were very important to her. She was open and honest and to be honest, I was overwhelmed with her willingness to share it with me even though we were not exceptionally close. That's what I knew of Sarah: beauty, deep emotions, strong work ethic, candid, and sensitive.

What is a life? A time to enjoy the good things that God has given us, which we can access if we put in the necessary time and effort. There once was a man who wanted to travel the world so he bought a cruise boat ticket. The boat sailed around the world and he saw glimpses of it through the tiny peephole in his cabin. Greece, Spain, Sweden. He ate canned beans in his cabin and washed his clothes in the tiny sink. Morocco, South Africa, India. He heard dancing on the main deck above him, and he wished to join but he was trying to be frugal and did not want to spend money and effort to participate. Japan, Korea, Tahiti. At the end of the trip, he checked out of his cabin when he noticed that his ticket had included everything on board.
Do not live minimally. Sarah Chytraus lived a beautiful life. She cares deeply about her family and friends. Her mortal life has come to a close and she is continuing to share and strengthen her testimony on the other side of the veil.
Your Potential, Your Privileges
Live an abundant life. We love you Sarah.
So much love,
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