Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just Throwing This Out There: Taylor Swift

A show that is very near and dear to my heart is Les Miserables. I read the Sparknotes version of the play before seeing the Broadway show and later read the book in 9th grade. I attended the phenomena in the Queen's Theatre in London and I fell in love with this masterpiece from the first moment Jean Valjean walked on stage in seemingly pouring rain. The story by Victor Hugo illustrates the poverty and desperation of a man who has no one but himself and who eventually makes a new name for himself and brings a town out of its depression. Each character is unique and crucial to illustrating the different demographics of the French society at this period in time. That's the objective standpoint of this play. My subjective feelings towards the play cannot even be described accurately with words I currently possess.
I sobbed the entire four hours. I pretty much can only recall blurry images because I was on a crying binge. No play has struck me so forcefully before or since then.

On a seemingly unrelated note...

Taylor Swift: Sweetheart Songwriter & Singer
 LOVE her song lyrics, beautiful, so sweet and considerate of her fans, appreciative, classy. But let's be honest: she CANNOT act or dance.  Do we not remember valentine's day?? her dance with nicki minaj?? Sooo awkward, hon.

Exhibit A: Valentine's Day excerpt
Exhibit B: Taylor Swift Dancing While Nicki Minaj performs


Tay, love you but stick to your forte. I beg of you.
xoxo, a fan of your lyrics & passion... for country/pop songs.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Well I'm Just Killing Time...Writhing

Not really, but I do have some breezes to shoot because I can't do my homework until mommyo deposits my textbook funds and I can get my books. Anywho, this is a divine opportunity to catch everyone up. So.
Andrei is still MIA, I got a new calling as VT Coordinator last night (shout out to the mormons out there who know what this means) and was up until 130 doing the spreadsheet because I'm so excited about it, realized this morning that to apply for the Broadcasting program here at BYU I have to take one more class (pre req that no one can get into because it's like 18 people total capacity for each class), went on a date on Saturday with a cute guy from the accounting program, Duke died and I was given 11 new fish by Kay, still crushing on K. (hopefully no one in my ward knows about zis blog), got a 100% on my first couple of Arabic quizzes, played dodgeball last night and was better than I expected, went spelunking last weekend, worked out on Friday by biking 13 miles, got a new phone (same #), decided to write a book called "malleable" about the dilemma and the obsession with identity in today's world, and am awaiting a letter in a few weeks from Jerr-bear. Yup I'm pretty lucky to have one of the best lives going on.
Fun fact from my Foundations of Islam class yesterday: 75% of Muslims don't live in the Middle East! Most are in Southeast Asia with Indonesia being the #1 Muslim country. I'm loving hardcore on my major. I was able to spend some time today reading up on the Middle East on Fox News and CNN articles like: this one. I have a Family Finance class in a little under 2 hours, then Arabic, then home-free to hopefully convince a roomie to go shopping. I can't bear any more fish dying because they're being fed beta fish food. Also I need face lotion.
I have had two songs stuck in my head: "Paradise" by Coldplay, and the song with the lyrics "In another life, I would make you stay" which plays EVERYWHERE. I rode the bus this morning with Caro and the bus driver was "unusually attractive" (I believe those were my exact words at the time) and a guy got on the bus who looked a lot like B and we kept making eye contact. Missed my dance class again this morning, 8 is just an unholy hour to have class. That means though that I haven't been to a class yet which is not gewd. I really need to get back into writing because I constantly have things that I want to write about and I'm worried all these good ideas will be lost if I don't pen them. Also, the mission is ON. I can put in my papers this July and I'm considering leaving next January. Woah, I said it so now I have to be a perfect saint. I am DYING to travel, like I can feel my eyes wrinkling at the corners when I hear about people who have study abroads planned and I'm like... oh yeah, still on campus. GET ME TO JERUSALEM. The amazing Haley H is on her 2nd study abroad right now: in Thailand. Her first was in London. THAT is how college should be. I would love to go foreign for my mission, but I'm worried that will jinx it and also the point of a mission is not to vacay.
Well I have to go to the bathroom again since I started this water binge and I worry about leaving a blog post open around this group of guys sitting near me. xoxo Court