Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Bientot!

I am serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Tahiti for eighteen months! I'm not allowed to blog during that time. So, feel free to look at my mission blog.
xoxo CAC

Friday, February 1, 2013

Just a Little Castle Shopping.

I really would be happy with a cottage (or an apartment, if I don't live in the English countryside) but I would also be down for living on an estate or in a castle.

Castle homes!
I narrowed it to my Top Three: 835 Chiltern Rd., 54 Creemer Rd., and 2633 Roundtable Blvd..

Snow flurries/blizzard but nothing slows down in upstate NY, mom and I still went to the gym. Have a healthy day!

Xoxo Coco