Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oy with the Poodles Already

The best way for me to deal with stress or concerns is to physically do something about it. Either make a call right then, send an email, talk to someone, clean it up, write it down, whenever I physically do something to solve a problem it always makes me feel much better about my abilities. I have realized that I have quite a few big plans for myself, including but not limited to: write a book (stream of consciousness possibly), be on the Ellen show (I spend a bit of thinking time thinking about what I would say), travel the world with my husband (get some spectacular photography shots for our home), be a reporter with a Middle East liason, and be in a movie at some point. I have spent a lot of time thinking about what is important to me. I think about everything all the time and I think specifically about how I feel about different people in my life and what they mean to me.
The biggest frustration is when people think that I haven't thought through something because I GUARANTEE I've already thought about it, and followed the idea through to multiple conclusions and come up with various solutions to any and all potential issues and stored those thoughts away in my mind or otherwise written it all down in poem or song format. A big thought hogger right now? Boys. Boysboysboysboysboys. I like them a lot. But a theme of my thoughts is that guys have no idea how much time I spend thinking abou them/their problems/their attractive qualities/our relationship to each other, on & on. I seriously have no "off" switch to my mind which I kind of love but at the same time, it gives me all this power (knowledge) which means that I have a lot of responsibility to do stuff with it. Which is fine, but there's SO much to do that I usually go to Tumblr to pamper my creativity and idea of self. I need to write more often, because there's so much else I'm thinking about but it could get overwhelming real fast because I type quickly but not nearly as fast as I think SO class now, perhaps more later. <3 Courty