Monday, October 3, 2011

Imma Count this as a Journal Entry

Sitting in New Testament, reading from Acts about how the apostles testify of Christ's Resurrection. The frustrating thing is that I can sum up this discussion with that one phrase, which would be roughly one question on a test and we're 30 minutes into class. Shishkebab. I need to find my waterbottle so I can bring my smoothies to school because I'm hungry but I can't buy anything here because I'm doing this "unprocessed October" experiment which I'm stoked about. I bought food from the Farmer's Market and Costco to get fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. I need to remember to pay back my roomie Hailey $20 for the money she lent me. So far I have done okay, I had cereal yesterday because I can't bear to waste any food I bought. Just volunteered to read John 18:10-11, hold up. Last 4 minutes of class, more information now. I am SO behind on Arabic, ugh. I have mainly been studying the alphabet because I have a script midterm tomorrow. I just have to memorize the "connect 4" part and I'm set, might learn the "connect all" for extra credit, we shall see. Btw, came across two poems I wrote for You from a while ago. I'm pretty proud with myself, I should write more poems about things because I explain myself so much better that way. <3 Court