Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts of a Happy Girl

I'm in the library, "No Shhh" zone, at a round table, sitting in a plush, spinny chair and waiting for Andrei.
It's cloudy, about to storm, and if all goes well then I will watch this thunderstorm while snuggled up in flannel shirt under a quilt through the windows of my roommate Kay's mountain cabin. That would be love-a-ly.
I find the phrase "rustic mountain lodge" very pleasing to the ear and soul.
I just bonded with a girl in my Arabic class when we met up to study in our library room 1215. I cannot describe how fulfilled I feel after a deep discussion with someone who needs a listening ear or a word of advice from experience. I care so much more about people when they trust me and feel comfortable telling me personal things, thank you.
Listening to Enya "Tea House Moon" right now with both headphones in, makes drinking water from my waterbottle a little weird for my ear pressure.
I like all of my roommates. They all are good people with good intentions and pretty smiles. They are all very different but, lesson for life: mutual love and respect can overcome almost all differences.
My FHE group is perfect. Two apartments of guys for our one apartment of girls. And we have uber good attendance. We have some of the cutest and funniest guys in our "family" and we've had great FHE activities so far!
I like graphic tees when they're cutesy or appeal to a sense of dorkiness. I'm wearing my Fawkes (Dumbledore's phoenix) shirt that I bought in Harry Potter's Wizarding World and it is so comfy. It's the perfect temperature in the library right now. If you have the means, I highly recommend you come by and sit. But bring a sweater because it's slightly chilly when the vents gush fresh air.
I love my sisters sosososo much. They are so important to me and I would do anything for them. I have a family that is so supportive that I feel like I can do anything. I am an incredibly lucky girl and I have always known "The Secret" which is precious information. Use it wisely. I pride myself on being mysterious sometimes. :) TTFN! Court

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


To All Who Approached Me About Updating My Blog:
This is cool.
Did You Know?
I didn't know.

xoxo Court

P.S. SO much lovely information to post, just waiting for the time to write it all.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Bad News:
Jerusalem Center will not be my Winter Semester. Too many applicants --> put all eligible applications into a "random shuffle" --> mine was not chosen. Pretty crushed but I'm sure it's for a reason.

Exciting News:
Sealed a deal with BYU Broadcasting to volunteer every Wednesday in the News Room! Today was so much fun: wore a headset, held a clipboard and highlighter, cued the reporters for their makeup and cameras! Super good for my application to the Broadcasting program at the end of this semester. <3

My New Testament teacher is AWESOME. Go Brother Stanley Johnson!