Saturday, August 20, 2011

Old Movies Are Brilliant: The Ghost Train (1941)

I lovelovelove discovering old movies that no one else has ever seen or heard about.
Right now I'm watching this movie The Ghost Train full movie and it is absolutely delicious with British comedy and I want Thomas Gander to exist in my life for real.

Also, I like country music. It's official.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I am starstruck by my friends sometimes because I am so proud of their accomplishments.

I am officially thrilled with my future plans. (fingers crossed I'm accepted to the Jerusalem Center)

I love making strawberry pancakes.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jerusalem Center Essays: Written.

ALL: 200 words or less
1.       What additional information regarding your qualifications would you like the Jerusalem Center Admissions Committee to consider?

I am passionate about travelling and I believe that the only way to fully appreciate another culture and lifestyle is to experience it directly through travel. As a Middle Eastern Studies Major, I will be learning Arabic and studying the Foundations of Islam. Studying abroad in a foreign country would mean that I will have the opportunity to witness religious rituals and participate in social dynamics firsthand. I am not inhibited by insecurities or fear of the unknown so I will take every opportunity to interact with Jews, Muslims, and whoever else I encounter. I am currently enrolled in the Walt Disney World College Program in Orlando, Florida and am given countless opportunities to converse with strangers, which is one of my favorite things about my role. I am motivated by curiosity to explore and appreciate, which is why I am so fortunate to have many close friends and memorable experiences. It is thrilling to consider how much my experience at the Jerusalem Center could change my life. I would never waste a single day of study or exploration because I do not know if I will ever have the opportunity to visit Jerusalem again. (195)

2.       Describe a significant experience in your life that has strengthened your character.

I’m an “army brat” which means that my dad has either been Active Duty or Reserves in the United States Army for my entire life. I have a deep love for the military families of this country because I know that they sacrifice so much energy and time to allow their soldiers to serve. My dad has served two deployments, including a one-year-long deployment to Baghdad, Iraq. These two deployments deeply strengthened our family unit to function without a father, a best friend and a priesthood holder, in the home. I learned at age sixteen how to be completely selfless when it meant keeping our family happy. We did not always have a harmonious household because there were four of us girls, but we realized that every individual has a lot of positive or negative energy to contribute. We learned how to conduct ourselves responsibly in other environments to combat challenges. My dad’s deployment forced us all to prove exactly how much patience, love, and respect we had for each other to support my dad’s deployment in an extremely dangerous warzone. It made each of us stronger and more mature with our relationships in and out of our home. (200 words)

3.       Tell us why you want to go to the Holy Land and the spiritual and educational benefits you hope you will gain.

As a Broadcasting minor, I would use skills that I gain at the Jerusalem Center in my career field as a broadcaster who specializes in the Middle East. I have researched the Jerusalem Center thoroughly and have the strongest impression that it will be a challenge that will test every ounce of my work ethic but if I attend, I know that I will use this experience to combat ignorance of other cultures through love, conversation, and education. I have always had a strong testimony of this church and even if I did not know the justification for every revelation, I have always known that the happiest people on this planet faithfully live the principles of this gospel. If given the opportunity to study in the Holy Land, I would be given the education and resources to have a more positive interaction with people from Islamic and Jewish backgrounds. As a future missionary, I am committed to building my testimony of this church through prayerful study and observation of other religious practices. I know that by participating in this program, I would be greatly enriched by experiences and insight proportional to the effort I exert, which will be tremendous.

Monday, August 1, 2011