Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oy with the Poodles Already

The best way for me to deal with stress or concerns is to physically do something about it. Either make a call right then, send an email, talk to someone, clean it up, write it down, whenever I physically do something to solve a problem it always makes me feel much better about my abilities. I have realized that I have quite a few big plans for myself, including but not limited to: write a book (stream of consciousness possibly), be on the Ellen show (I spend a bit of thinking time thinking about what I would say), travel the world with my husband (get some spectacular photography shots for our home), be a reporter with a Middle East liason, and be in a movie at some point. I have spent a lot of time thinking about what is important to me. I think about everything all the time and I think specifically about how I feel about different people in my life and what they mean to me.
The biggest frustration is when people think that I haven't thought through something because I GUARANTEE I've already thought about it, and followed the idea through to multiple conclusions and come up with various solutions to any and all potential issues and stored those thoughts away in my mind or otherwise written it all down in poem or song format. A big thought hogger right now? Boys. Boysboysboysboysboys. I like them a lot. But a theme of my thoughts is that guys have no idea how much time I spend thinking abou them/their problems/their attractive qualities/our relationship to each other, on & on. I seriously have no "off" switch to my mind which I kind of love but at the same time, it gives me all this power (knowledge) which means that I have a lot of responsibility to do stuff with it. Which is fine, but there's SO much to do that I usually go to Tumblr to pamper my creativity and idea of self. I need to write more often, because there's so much else I'm thinking about but it could get overwhelming real fast because I type quickly but not nearly as fast as I think SO class now, perhaps more later. <3 Courty

Monday, October 3, 2011

Imma Count this as a Journal Entry

Sitting in New Testament, reading from Acts about how the apostles testify of Christ's Resurrection. The frustrating thing is that I can sum up this discussion with that one phrase, which would be roughly one question on a test and we're 30 minutes into class. Shishkebab. I need to find my waterbottle so I can bring my smoothies to school because I'm hungry but I can't buy anything here because I'm doing this "unprocessed October" experiment which I'm stoked about. I bought food from the Farmer's Market and Costco to get fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. I need to remember to pay back my roomie Hailey $20 for the money she lent me. So far I have done okay, I had cereal yesterday because I can't bear to waste any food I bought. Just volunteered to read John 18:10-11, hold up. Last 4 minutes of class, more information now. I am SO behind on Arabic, ugh. I have mainly been studying the alphabet because I have a script midterm tomorrow. I just have to memorize the "connect 4" part and I'm set, might learn the "connect all" for extra credit, we shall see. Btw, came across two poems I wrote for You from a while ago. I'm pretty proud with myself, I should write more poems about things because I explain myself so much better that way. <3 Court

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts of a Happy Girl

I'm in the library, "No Shhh" zone, at a round table, sitting in a plush, spinny chair and waiting for Andrei.
It's cloudy, about to storm, and if all goes well then I will watch this thunderstorm while snuggled up in flannel shirt under a quilt through the windows of my roommate Kay's mountain cabin. That would be love-a-ly.
I find the phrase "rustic mountain lodge" very pleasing to the ear and soul.
I just bonded with a girl in my Arabic class when we met up to study in our library room 1215. I cannot describe how fulfilled I feel after a deep discussion with someone who needs a listening ear or a word of advice from experience. I care so much more about people when they trust me and feel comfortable telling me personal things, thank you.
Listening to Enya "Tea House Moon" right now with both headphones in, makes drinking water from my waterbottle a little weird for my ear pressure.
I like all of my roommates. They all are good people with good intentions and pretty smiles. They are all very different but, lesson for life: mutual love and respect can overcome almost all differences.
My FHE group is perfect. Two apartments of guys for our one apartment of girls. And we have uber good attendance. We have some of the cutest and funniest guys in our "family" and we've had great FHE activities so far!
I like graphic tees when they're cutesy or appeal to a sense of dorkiness. I'm wearing my Fawkes (Dumbledore's phoenix) shirt that I bought in Harry Potter's Wizarding World and it is so comfy. It's the perfect temperature in the library right now. If you have the means, I highly recommend you come by and sit. But bring a sweater because it's slightly chilly when the vents gush fresh air.
I love my sisters sosososo much. They are so important to me and I would do anything for them. I have a family that is so supportive that I feel like I can do anything. I am an incredibly lucky girl and I have always known "The Secret" which is precious information. Use it wisely. I pride myself on being mysterious sometimes. :) TTFN! Court

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


To All Who Approached Me About Updating My Blog:
This is cool.
Did You Know?
I didn't know.

xoxo Court

P.S. SO much lovely information to post, just waiting for the time to write it all.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Bad News:
Jerusalem Center will not be my Winter Semester. Too many applicants --> put all eligible applications into a "random shuffle" --> mine was not chosen. Pretty crushed but I'm sure it's for a reason.

Exciting News:
Sealed a deal with BYU Broadcasting to volunteer every Wednesday in the News Room! Today was so much fun: wore a headset, held a clipboard and highlighter, cued the reporters for their makeup and cameras! Super good for my application to the Broadcasting program at the end of this semester. <3

My New Testament teacher is AWESOME. Go Brother Stanley Johnson!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Old Movies Are Brilliant: The Ghost Train (1941)

I lovelovelove discovering old movies that no one else has ever seen or heard about.
Right now I'm watching this movie The Ghost Train full movie and it is absolutely delicious with British comedy and I want Thomas Gander to exist in my life for real.

Also, I like country music. It's official.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I am starstruck by my friends sometimes because I am so proud of their accomplishments.

I am officially thrilled with my future plans. (fingers crossed I'm accepted to the Jerusalem Center)

I love making strawberry pancakes.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jerusalem Center Essays: Written.

ALL: 200 words or less
1.       What additional information regarding your qualifications would you like the Jerusalem Center Admissions Committee to consider?

I am passionate about travelling and I believe that the only way to fully appreciate another culture and lifestyle is to experience it directly through travel. As a Middle Eastern Studies Major, I will be learning Arabic and studying the Foundations of Islam. Studying abroad in a foreign country would mean that I will have the opportunity to witness religious rituals and participate in social dynamics firsthand. I am not inhibited by insecurities or fear of the unknown so I will take every opportunity to interact with Jews, Muslims, and whoever else I encounter. I am currently enrolled in the Walt Disney World College Program in Orlando, Florida and am given countless opportunities to converse with strangers, which is one of my favorite things about my role. I am motivated by curiosity to explore and appreciate, which is why I am so fortunate to have many close friends and memorable experiences. It is thrilling to consider how much my experience at the Jerusalem Center could change my life. I would never waste a single day of study or exploration because I do not know if I will ever have the opportunity to visit Jerusalem again. (195)

2.       Describe a significant experience in your life that has strengthened your character.

I’m an “army brat” which means that my dad has either been Active Duty or Reserves in the United States Army for my entire life. I have a deep love for the military families of this country because I know that they sacrifice so much energy and time to allow their soldiers to serve. My dad has served two deployments, including a one-year-long deployment to Baghdad, Iraq. These two deployments deeply strengthened our family unit to function without a father, a best friend and a priesthood holder, in the home. I learned at age sixteen how to be completely selfless when it meant keeping our family happy. We did not always have a harmonious household because there were four of us girls, but we realized that every individual has a lot of positive or negative energy to contribute. We learned how to conduct ourselves responsibly in other environments to combat challenges. My dad’s deployment forced us all to prove exactly how much patience, love, and respect we had for each other to support my dad’s deployment in an extremely dangerous warzone. It made each of us stronger and more mature with our relationships in and out of our home. (200 words)

3.       Tell us why you want to go to the Holy Land and the spiritual and educational benefits you hope you will gain.

As a Broadcasting minor, I would use skills that I gain at the Jerusalem Center in my career field as a broadcaster who specializes in the Middle East. I have researched the Jerusalem Center thoroughly and have the strongest impression that it will be a challenge that will test every ounce of my work ethic but if I attend, I know that I will use this experience to combat ignorance of other cultures through love, conversation, and education. I have always had a strong testimony of this church and even if I did not know the justification for every revelation, I have always known that the happiest people on this planet faithfully live the principles of this gospel. If given the opportunity to study in the Holy Land, I would be given the education and resources to have a more positive interaction with people from Islamic and Jewish backgrounds. As a future missionary, I am committed to building my testimony of this church through prayerful study and observation of other religious practices. I know that by participating in this program, I would be greatly enriched by experiences and insight proportional to the effort I exert, which will be tremendous.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thinking Faster than I Can Type, As Usual.

Just a few thoughts off of the top of my head:
not exact interpretation of the lyrics, but sometimes just a line or two grabs me and makes me think of you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsWsasqIoyk&ob=av2e (this is a little more intense than what i mean, but captures the general ghist.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8QYxmpuyxg (yes, Avril again. she's relevant.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR_qa3Ohwls&ob=av2e (never imagined Kesha and I would have common ground, thanks for making it happen.)
I'm not apologizing any more. There's nothing I would do differently because I did everything for a reason.
Some of these are repeats from other blogs but that's because I listen to music multiple times to reinforce my ideas or to find new ideas.
"This is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less.
You were everything, everything that I wanted! We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.
What you've got boy is hard to find. I think about it ALL THE TIME."
I'm a little ticked in case you couldn't tell, why can't you just tell me what you think so I can flipping stop thinking about you? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I have an amazing life, you have an amazing life, why keep me guessing?? CAC

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Have to Come Clean About Something.

Confessions of a Blogaholic:
I've been secretly tumbling on my new tumblr for the past week. I love my bloggie no less, I just like some of the "gifs" that I couldn't upload on a blog! I feel as though my tumblr is baby #2 and I have to make sure they both feel loved. I love them both equally, just differently.
The release date of my tumblr is August 3rd. (totally arbitary)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mellifluous: Sweetly or Smoothly Flowing

One day last week I stayed up until 2 AM watching SYTYCD, one of the best decisions I have ever made. One day, I want to dance. Like really well.

"I Cannot Knot."

Winnie the Pooh is HILLARIOUS. No sarcasm, pure truth. I snorted no less than 3 times because it caught me so off guard. I cannot emphasize this enough, GO SEE IT. :) I'm seriously about to pre-order this thing...
I had several analyses during the movie of all the various dynamics between the characters and how the characters all represent a common flaw but how they are all such good friends despite their differences because they accept and respect each other unconditionally. (Utopia)

Thanks for such a fun time at Epcot, Soufaine! I especially loved Turtle Talk and the photobooth pictures are so fun, even though the camera was way too high up. :) Also, I like your Moroccan costume.

I am self-diagnosed with puppy love and travel fever. I want a puppy/dog SO MUCH and I am almost exhausted from Epcot and being so amazed by every new place I hear about on this planet. Halers, we could really make that roadtrip to Canada happen. :) For maple syrup of course.

Graduation was thuper duper exciting: got my cap, tassel, diploma, and hotdog. Was there for approximately 10 minutes unfortunately but totes worth it to make the Winnie the Pooh movie with my roomie, Dell. After the movie we got dinner at Cookes of Dublin, an Irish pub. Dell got breaded chicken tenders, I got fish & chips (the British in me craved it), and we got onion rings to share. Bravely tried tartar sauce, not bad. But not that good. We documented our dinner with pictures, shortly to be posted.

Now I'm going to rest up for a big day tomorrow at the hospital! I'm way too excited to spend a few hours at the hospital, what is wrong with me? I'm just stoked to go new places I guess! Schedule: going to be moral support, knock my Jerusalem Center application essay responses out of the park, and then probably be physical support for my drowsy buddy after surgery.
Love people in my life, keep up the good work everybody.
Yours truly, Courtney <3
P.S. Strawberry ice cream is DELICIOUS.
P.S.S. Awwww Caro & Halers, I read your little comments on tumblr thing! I like you guyses too.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Surviving on Crunchy Peanut Butter & Raspberries

Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, I had to deactivate my credit card only to find it 2 days later HOWEVER i still don't have access to my funds so I am on the strictest budget of my life with my 2nd credit card, hence: surviving on crunchy peanut butter & raspberries. <3

 favorite superhero

let me grow old, let me grow wise, let lines of laughter crease my eyes

Goodnight, love and hugs, Courtney